Chapter Two

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Taro looked at his phone. He was reading the text messages over and over. According to Info-kun, there were other ways to eliminate your rival. Some of them were matchmaking, sabotage, and lowering their reputation enough so that Ayano wouldn't accept his confession.

He didn't want to not kill Osano, but he also couldn't hurt his Kohai. He would hate himself forever if he ever did make her sad.

So he decided to matchmake him to someone else.

Info-kun told him that for him to find out who else Osano has a crush on, he must do a task for him (even the thought of that made him sick to his stomach). Then, he has to ask him to follow him around the school and see if they blush and look in someone else's direction longingly.

In order for them to meet, Taro has to buy earpieces for one panty shot.

How the hell was he going to pull that off? And take a panty shot of a girl?

He felt himself blushing thinking of that. He couldn't and even if he had the opportunity to, he still wouldn't take a picture. Well, maybe.

He paces up and down in his room until he hears the front door open and close. Has it only been an hour already?

"I'm home, Taro!" Hanakō yells, voice ringing throughout the house.

He goes downstairs, still in his school uniform. Hanakō passes the food to Taro and climbs up the stairs. "I'm gonna change into more comfortable clothes. Don't start eating without me!"

Taro sets the table. He should've changed to, but with all those thoughts running around and around in his mind, he forgot to do so.

His brother comes downstairs again. He sits at the side of the table, his heart-shaped pin hanging loosely from his hair.

"Did you have a good first day?" Taro asks, pulling up the chair across from him and sitting down.

Hanakō shrugs. "Eh, it could've gone better. My phone went off during the middle of class because mom was trying to call me to tell that she and dad were leaving. I have to go to school an hour earlier to help clean the school. " He sighs. "Anyways, enough about me. What about yours?"

Taro freezes on the spot. For a second he thinks Hanakō already knows about his Kohai or his plans. But there was no way, and there was no sign of accusation in his voice.

"Same as always. But this year I was nearly late to the ceremony," he says quickly.

They ate dinner in a pleasant silence, with a couple of words here and there.

Once they had finished eating, Taro put all the plates in the dishwasher. Hanakō walks upstairs and comes back down with his homework. He grabs a towel, wets it, and washes down the table.

"Do you need any help with your homework?"

"No," Hanakō replies. "it's fine."

Taro nods and goes upstairs. "Make sure to be in bed by nine!" he calls out.

He gets ready for bed and checks his phone. Only a text from mom.


Came to check in. How was school? Is everything okay? Do you need anything? How is Hanakō? Your dad and I had to go to Tokyo for a business trip overnight, don't worry. We'll be back tomorrow by the time you get home from school if Hanakō didn't already tell you that.

School was the same as every other day. Everything's okay, mom. I don't need anything and Hanakō is fine.

Good. Love you, goodnight.

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