Chapter Three

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A/N: I'm sorry! I didn't know who would be Osano's match, so I just made up a character. I hope that's fine with you guys.

They both collide and fall together, on top of each other. Taro's eyes are closed.

"Oh, sorry!" the masculine voice says. "I was in a rush and I wasn't seeing where I was going. You okay, Taro?"

He knows that voice. He nods awkwardly, still underneath the other him. He opens his eyes.

It's Budo, on top of him.

Taro forces on a smile. He still does remember the conversation between his Kohai and Osano he eavesdropped-well overheard- yesterday.

"It's fine, Budo. Where are you going?" he asks. Because you better not be running to see my precious Ayano, or I will fucking stab you, he thinks.

"I have an important meeting with my club members and the headmaster that started ten minutes ago. I'd love to stop and chat, but I gotta run! Again, sorry!" He stands up, helps Taro up, and bows slightly. Then runs off up the school steps.

He didn't have a reason for to really hate Budo, much less kill him, did he? But the rumors could be true, and if they weren't, then that would just be another small problem gone. He didn't really know what to do.

Maybe just kill him.

Taro shakes his head. He had other things to worry about. Then he'll get to Budo.

He goes out into the plaza, where it was now filled with social butterflies and teacher pets. But not one of them was his Kohai. Maybe she would just be somewhere else...

And he does find her, when he turns around and sees that his Kohai is putting on her indoor shoes on, Osano leaning against the locker beside hers. Osano and Taro catch eyes for a second, and Osano nods. Not smile, but nod. Were they on good terms? Even though Taro wanted badly to murder him so?

He goes out into the plaza and sits on a bench. None of his close friends are out here, so he just sits there, looking down at his feet.

He hears footsteps, and he knows it's them.

Taro checks his phone for the time again. 7:30.

Just then a phone rings. Taro looks up.

It's Osano's phone.

"I've gotta go and take this. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone, dummy."

He walks away from his Ayano, back inside the hallways of the school again.

Taro follows a couple of seconds after.

Osano walks to the end of a hallway, Taro right around the corner, and he hears every word he says.

"Hello?" he answered. Then a face of disgust runs across his face. "Ugh! I told you to stop calling me, you creep! Like I said, I'm NOT interested. If you keep this up, I'm calling the cops."

"...what? NO! Leave them out of this! Look, I don't care what you say to me, but don't you DARE do anything to them! I swear if I see you anywhere near them, I'll kick your ass! Now, for the last time, stop calling me!"

He hangs up his phone, putting it in his pants pocket. "Ugh," he groans to himself, putting his face in his hands. "Why did something like this have to happen..."

Taro walks away before Osano can spot him. He goes back out to the plaza, where he sees his Kohai sitting at the edge of the fountain. He resists the urge to look at her all day long and instead goes back to the bench.

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