Chapter 1: The Lock In *Edited*

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I walked up the road from the Harrison High School football stadium. The only reason why I was even there was because my father had dragged me along; a girl like me doesn't belong at a place like that.   I fixed my glasses so I could see through my blue eyes more clearly and tucked my long, obnoxiously wavy, blond hair behind my ear. My body was warm all over. The night felt almost hotter than the day. I could feel my shirt sticking to my body, but I didn't bother to pull it off of me.   The pathway from the stadium was dark, only illuminated by a single street light and the full moon above me. The rocky gravel made a crunch noise underneath my flip-flops. I almost wanted to run from all the populars, jocks, and whores that this school raised, and all of those were collected at the stadium behind me.   Harrison High was just like any other high school. It had its bad-ass boys, populars, whores, sluts, outcasts, and nerds. I'm one of those nerds.

Even though I had beauty hidden behind my glasses (I suppose), I was never popular. My twin brothers, captain and co-captain of the football team and popular seniors, were far different from me. Handsome, talented, charming, and charismatic, beyond compare of their sister. They had every privilege you could think of because of their sporty ways, the amount of girls that followed them around, and the fact that they were just well-liked in general. I had none of that. I was their dork in her second year of high school.   I walked on and came to the main school building. It reminded me of three long houses put together. You couldn't shoot a shotgun though the halls, though. They eventually divided and there was a courtyard somewhere in the middle. Plus, shooting would tell everyone to duck and cover, but I bet someone stupid enough wouldn't, and they would get hurt.

I glanced in the doors to look up at the walls and rows of seemingly endless lockers, doors, classrooms, and book bags that were in the hallway. I was glad that the school had to come to an end sometime.  

A freshman couple I didn't recognize sat near the front doors of the building, basically sucking on each other. I was almost scared to see if they would swallow each other right in front of me. But I know a lot of people have seen others like that.   The girl was wrapped up in him, hugging him as he kissed her quickly. They were so busy, they probably couldn't even stop to breathe.  

Get a room.

As I passed, they didn't even seem to notice me at all; they were probably too caught up in each other. I was guessing that making out was just too amazing for you to check to see if anyone's eyes were on you and your partner.  

I kept walking and came to the gym: The large complex that was slowly, but surely, falling apart. By the time I was a senior, I knew the place would be getting hit with a wrecking ball and come crashing down, memories and all.  

Right then, I wanted to be alone. Everyone had been at the football game. My brothers were there, playing their butts off. Or at least until they couldn't stand up without vomiting and collapsing into a heap of strained muslces and sweat. I assumed everyone was at the game to watch my brothers and the other players win the school of Harrison High yet another honor.  

The gym was boring and falling apart on the inside as it was on the outside. The bleachers were about to collapse, by the look of them. The walls had spots on the navy-painted walls where they were yellow from their previous paint job, and then a gray color underneath that. As I entered the lobby of the gym, I heard basketballs bouncing on the courts. I sighed, but continued to the court doors, wondering who was there and who I had to herd out so I could at least think clearly.  

Five of the star basketball players were fighting over a ball and attempting at shots. I recognized them all and remained quiet to watch them.  

One of the boys, Chase Miller, recognized me and saw me standing in the doorway. Then his body came down to the ground when one of the guys named Marty Kirk ran into him, running up to the basket and shooting just to miss. The only one that went to Chase to help was one of the blondes. I couldn't see his face since he was busy bending down, helping Chase up.  

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