"Michael is the name, Fifa is the game." The boy with black and purple hair announced.

"and I'm uh-Luke and I'm with him." The other tall one with the blonde hair chuckled.

"Fay." I replied sticking my hand out which I predict was gladly shaken by both Luke and Michael.

"So um-why is she here?" Luke mumbled into Calum's ear.

"I wanted you guys to meet her!" Calum snapped, "is that a crime?" 

"No, no...shut up she hears us." Luke groaned.

"Well shes obviously going to hear us when you sound like your fucking screaming." Calum rolled his eyes.

"See there it, what did I tell you Michael? It's the attitude." Luke hissed. 

"Man, you called it." Michael chuckled, keeping his eyes glued on the television.

"I should go-" I started. I knew this wasn't a good idea.

"No, don't go...it's just Calum has had this attitude around me for these past couple days." Luke confirmed, "it's not your fault Calum is being an ass." 

"Luke-" Calum warned.

"Dude, don't mess with a girl when she's on her period." Michael laughed, "especially Calum, he's extra vicious."

"That's it, Fay we're leaving." Calum groaned grabbing my hand and attempting to drag me out of the basement.

"You guys stop being dicks, Calum stay." Ashton said as Luke and Michael laughed together.

"You guys really don't have to act like you want me here you know." I said as Ashton shook his head. "Are you kidding? We act like this all the time, this is like a everyday thing." 

"Well on certain occasions, we're rather charming." Luke winked.

"Are you kidding?" Michael cackled. "We're total asses."

"Yeah, we're pretty bad." Ashton chuckled to himself.

"Okay, you know what-I think it's best we go because you guys are going to get me dumped." Calum rolled his eyes, "Fay, you were right."

"No, I want to stay." I smiled.

"Are you-" Calum started but I cut him off.

"Yes." I assured him, grabbing onto his arm. "It'll be fun."

"It really won't." Calum groaned.

"Oh yeah Calum mate, the boys and I are going down drinking tonight, if you want to come your welcome to bring Fay along." Ashton announced.

"Sounds pretty decent." Calum shrugged, "Fay?" 

"It sounds pretty cool." I agreed with a grin plastered on my face. 

- - - - - - -

Hours had past since we arrived at Ashton's house and we had finally arrived at the bar.

Calum opened up the passanger door and flashed me a grin, "ladies first." 

"Calum mate, if it's ladies first, it should probably be switched around." Luke laughed.

I giggled at the comment as I sat up from the car and followed Michael and Ashton into the bar with Calum and Luke following close behind.

When we arrived inside we were immediately greeted by a strong scent of alcohol and smoke combined. "Just stay with me, these people can be a little-grabby." Calum whispered into my ear.

"Oh yeah stay with you so you can ditch me?" I laughed.

"Can we not bring that up?" Calum groaned.

"Dude you ditched her at a party?" Luke laughed. 

"Can you stop listening in on everything we say?" Calum spat.

"I don't know, it's quite interesting getting to see what you have to say." Luke smiled.

"Fuck off." Calum groaned grabbing my hand and dragging me towards the stools briskly.

Calum sat me down and took a long look at me and smiled, "what do you want to get?" 

"I dont drink-I've told you this plenty of times." I said.

"Fay, come on." Calum sighed.

'Cal, bad things happen when I drink-I have no control over myself."  I huffed.

"Okay so I'm going to take that as you want a beer." Calum chuckled.

"I hate you." I said furrowing my eyebrows together as Calum slid me a beer.

"It doesn't even taste that great." I complained.

"Give it a shot." Calum pouted, "for me?"

"Fine." I groaned screwing off the cap and taking a quick gulp of beer. "woah."

"What'd I tell you? It's great." Calum smiled giving me a nudge on the shoulder.

"It's pretty decent." I shrugged. 

"Oh please." Calum chuckled.

"Okay, it's pretty great. But it's also really strong." I admitted. 

"Yeah-don't get to excited, two beers is enough." Calum said.

"You're acting like my dad." I said rolling my eyes.

"I'm your boyfriend, that's my job." Calum shrugged. 

"Not really." I groaned.

"Yes really." Calum grinned.

"Now you're acting like Luke." I snapped.

"Hey!" Luke groaned, narrowing his eyes at me and by the looks of things, he looked pretty drunked up. 

"We've been here for ten minutes and your already drunk?" Calum gasped with a grin plastered on his face.

"Impressive." I smiled.

"I'm not drunk." Luke lied. "I'm-" 

"you're what?" Calum asked.

"I'm completely sober." Luke smiled.

"yeah, no." I laughed, "Just dont drive us back please."

"Yeah, whatever." Luke huffed walking away towards a girl dressed" in a tight black dress.

"What a lady's man." I smiled.

"Not really." Calum rolled his eyes. 

 "But you know-if you let me take you home tonight, I can be a lady's man." Calum winked.

"Perve." I laughed leaning in to kiss him.

"I get that a lot." Calum smiled.

"Well maybe if you let me get a little more then two beers, your wish will be granted." I smiled, biting my lip.

"Can you like stop being so fucking hot." Calum said resting his hand on my thigh and pulling me closer to him and planting his lips on mine.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled into our kiss, "you're all that I need." 

"Well you are all that I need, and more." Calum replied.

- - - - - - - -

They're so cute aw. Anyways sorry for delaying an update for so long, I love you all, thank you for 1.8k you guys are so sweet xx anyways sorry this is a shitty chapter but the SHE LOOKS SO PERFECT MUSIC VIDEO IS JUST ASDFGHJKL. 

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