She Kissed Me...

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Kaoru and I have been friends for a few months now but we rarely hang out since... well... you do know how strict my dad and Brick are.

At least I have a friend. One is enough for me. And that friend, is my crush. First crush, first friend. She's my type and she is not that clingy unlike her friends, Momoko and Miyako.

"Hey Butch," Momoko said.

Momoko and Miyako are visiting our house since my bros invited them.

"Yes Momoko?" I answered.

"Have you seen Kaoru?"

"I dunno. I haven't seen her since last week."

"Brick and Boomer invited her too. I wonder why she didn't come."

"How far is her house from here anyway?"

"Not that far. She should be here by now."

The reason Brick and Boomer invited the girls was to get to know them more. And, I mean by Brick more to Miyako and Kaoru, Boomer more to Momoko and Kaoru, while I to Momoko and Miyako.

'Knock, 'knock!' we heard someone knock on the door.

"I'll get it," Boomer said, walking to the door while we set ourselves in the dining room.

After a while, "She finally arrived," Boomer said, walking in the dining room with Kaoru.

She's finally here...

She sat down next to me and looked at me. She smiled. I smiled back.

We ate dinner with dad until 7:37.

Brick walked Momoko home, Boomer with Miyako, and I with Kaoru. I was surprised that dad let me walk Kaoru home. That was unusual of him.

We arrived at Kaoru's front door; she turned to me.

"Thanks for the dinner. It was great," she said, smiling.

"No problem. But don't thank me for inviting you. It was my bros."

"I know," she looked deep into my eyes.

"Before I go," she said shyly, "I've got something for you," her cheeks are getting pink.

She looked at me, I can see the shyness in her eyes. She placed her hand on my chest and came closer to me. I felt my cheeks grow warm.

"Kaoru? Wh-"

Before I could finish, she collided her lips with mine. My eyes widen as my cheeks reddened. She placed her other hand on my left cheek and comes closer to me.

After a few seconds, she separated our lips from each other but kept her hands on place. I saw her cute pink blush on her cheeks. She looked straight into my eyes.

She smiled and said, "Goodnight Butch."

She lets go of me and walked inside. But she smiled at me before closing the door.

When I got home, my brothers saw my red face and asked me why my face was red. I didn't answer. Instead, I went straight into my room, lied down on my bed, and smiled.

I can't believe she kissed me.

She kissed me...


A/N: Short chapter but with romance. I already thought about this while making the chapter 1 of this story. I can't stop fangirling about it. Thanks for reading!!

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