"If we take a picture together, I can put in on the wall," I answered with a chuckle, taking out my phone, even though I was basically half-joking.

"Only if you send me it, so it can be lock screen and home screen and profile picture," Newt responded with a smirk. "Also maybe post it on Instagram to piss off Minho."

"I wasn't joking," I told him, not really knowing why I said it. I just wanted to make my point clear, cards on the table and stuff. 

Newt looked at me. His brown eyes were soft and seemed to be full of love. "I wasn't either, Tommy. You don't joke about feelings."

"That's true. So selfie?" 

Okay, I was really awkward. Extremely socially awkward. It is amazing that Newt has even dealt with me for that long without getting annoyed by the weird things I said all the time. 

"Tommy, you're so socially awkward," Newt told me, but he wasn't mocking on me, he was more fond about it, which was completely new to me. 

I smiled at him, unlocking my phone and opening the front camera. "I'm sure, you'll look better on this than I do, for sure."

Newt smiled at me, shifting closer to me, until he was nearly sitting on my lap. "Well then take the picture and we'll see, who looks better. However I'm pretty sure that we will completely disagree on this subject."

Taking pictures with Newt was actually a lot more fun than I'd expected. He always said something incredible funny, so we spent the next five minutes laughing.

With every second Newt shifted closer to me, yet still keeping some space between as if he waited for me to make a move. So I mirrored his actions, slowly getting closer to him, too. 

"Okay one last picture," I said to Newt with a grin. "Because I for sure can't laugh again, my abs hurt so fucking much."

"Well then," Newt replied with a smile, wrapping his arm around my waist, while laying his head on my shoulder. "We should look cute in this."

I nodded, ready to take the picture, as Newt raised his head from my shoulder pressing a small kiss on my cheek. It was the moment where I took the picture, so I had recorded that moment for eternity. (Which was obviously a really really good thing.)

"Just send me all of them," Newt told me with a smile, letting go of my waist. "And if you print them out, make sure to make a copy for me, too."

"Any other wishes? Should I frame it for you, too?" I asked him sarcastically. Since I sent most of my time with Newt last week, I got to know him better, so I could hopefully estimate what things I could say and what things I couldn't say.

"That would be nice, Tommy," he replies with a smirk, looking up at me through his dark and long eyelashes. HIs brown eyes were soft as always, but there was another impression, an impression I couldn't assign, but still it only draw me closer to him. My eyes flackered to his lips, they were so kissable. 

Strange how I never noticed how fucking beautiful Newt actually was until now. Maybe it was the fact that I'd never been so close to him before. I couldn't think straight anymore, then I searched for Newt's hand, intertwining our fingers as I found it. 

Everything about Newt was familiar and yet exciting. It was like coming home in the winter and settling in front of the fireplace with your significant other, maybe eating cookies or sharing some tea. His touch was comforting and warm and he smelled like warmness and home. (Even if I was certain that this wasn't a classified as a smell.)

"You have beautiful eyes," Newt whispered, sitting up and slowly leaning in. Our faces were only inches apart and I could have just closed the gap and I wanted to. I wanted to press my lips on his and feel how they felt on mine. 

The door to my room was opened before anything could happen. Immediately Newt literally jumped back from me, running his hands casually through his blonde hair. 

Who else could it be? Who apart from Aris could have been so insensitive when it came to private time?

"Aris, that's my friend Newt. Newt, that's my brother Aris," I introduced them to each other, while glaring at my brother, mouthing 'I hate you'. 

"Mama wanted me to tell you that you should go outside a bit and not be inside the whole day. You could go in the hammock," Aris told me with a laugh, eyeing Newt in a really protective way. Like he wanted to make sure that Newt didn't break my heart.

"Thanks for nothing," I replied, rolling my eyes annoyed. 

"You have a hammock?!" Newt next to me literally screamed. "I want to lie in it. Please, can we? That'd be amazing."

Aris smiled at me, mouthing 'he's a keeper'. Sometimes I really hated my brother with all my guts.

Still Newt and I had spent the afternoon cuddled up in the hammock with a blanket, while listening to music (mainly fall out boy since Newt insisted on it). In some perspectives Newt was really a full on fanboy, but it was also really really cute. (Please forget I've ever said that.)

"It's nice, we should do this more often," he suggested with a smile, playing with the fingers of my hand, before intertwining them again. "Your family is really nice, too."

I smiled back, tugging the blanket a little bit further upwards. "I'd like to come over to yours sometime, too. I'm sure your family is incredible."

"I only live there with my mum," Newt explained, looking at me softly. "And we still haven't unpacked everything, so it may take awhile until you'll come over."

"I don't care," I told him, smiling, placing a kiss on his head. "My room is messy as fuck and you didn't care either."

Newt stared at me for a while, looking like he had some inner-conflict about what he should say. "Yeah," he said eventually, laying his head on my chest. "There's time, we got plenty of time to do all the things in the world."

"Yeah, we have so much time left," I replied, looking at him and how beautiful he was. The sun was shining on his head almost making it look golden, while the sun was setting in the horizon.

"You're so beautiful," I accidentally said out loud. (I should really stop always saying what was on my mind... It would clearly start to slowly ruin my life to be honest.)

Newt just blushed, apparently not thinking that I was weird and creepy, instead he thanked me for the compliment. 

"You're the first person in a while, who called me beautiful," he whispered. "It's nice to hear it... I like it when you say that."

"Do I have to tell you over and over?" I asked with a smirk. "You're beautiful and adorable. One of the most beautiful people in the world. You're handsome and pretty and cute."

He blushed again, chuckling a bit, while shifting a little bit closer - as if that was even possible considering our position in the hammock. "The last person who told me that was my ex-girlfriend," he said after a while. 

"I'm sorry," I immediately apologised. 

"It's okay, we weren't meant to be, so it's fine," he told me. "I liked her a lot... But let's not talk about her anymore. The future and the present are important not the past."

Since Newt always seemed to be upset, when I mentioned Sonya, I didn't usually. But this statement was so Sonya-like. Sometimes I wished Sonya would be here, being there for me, I'd like to tell her about Newt. She could probably advise me better than anybody else. Like Newt said however... we shouldn't be obsessed with the past and rather live in the present. 

"Get in the house, you two lovebirds, dinner is ready," mama called out for me and Newt.

Have I ever mentioned that I hate my family?

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