Chapter Three - Hi Daddy

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"Good afternoon, father," Stiles drawled into the phone, twirling a pencil between his fingers while he propped his feet up onto his desk. "How are you doing, my dear daddy?"


"I think you mean Stiles, dad," Stiles interrupted his father, fingers clenching around the pencil, already feeling annoyed with the fact that he had told his father many times that he didn't want to be called his real name (the one his parents had given him at his birth because they were apparently both heavily influenced by drugs and they had somehow gotten the idea that everyone on earth could pronounce his name- which no one could, because sometimes Stiles' father couldn't even pronounce his name correctly) because no one could fucking say it the correct way. "Don't you?"

"Of course, Stiles," John said, the tone of his voice sounding like he already was done with this entire conversation. Which he probably was, because he never really enjoyed talking with Stiles- not ever since Stiles had pretty much turned himself into a lawbreaker. Sure, Stiles had convinced pretty much the entire world that he was back to being cute and adorable and smart and loving and such, but his father still saw right through him and knew that there was still darkness inside of Stiles (well, technically seen Stiles was entirely filled with darkness, but whatever.). Not that Stiles would ever admit to it, of course. He wasn't that stupid.

"Thank you, daddy," Stiles drawled, making John sigh again. Sure, they had a good relationship- once, you know, before everything had happened and John had lost his job as Sheriff and his reputation as a good father. He had always had people thinking that he was doing a great job, since he was a single father. His wife's passing had brought a lot of people's pity toward him and his son, but this all had vanished as soon as Stiles' good behavior turned around. "Now, can you guess why I called you? And no, it's not because I wanted to talk to you. That will never happen, you know? I mean, sure, you're my nice father and everything, but you're always blaming me for everything that has happened to you and it really is getting old. So, no matter how much I like you, it's not the reason why I called you."

"You don't have to lie to me, Stiles," John said, sighing deeply (again, he really does like sighing, doesn't he?). "You have found another one of those werewolf slaves, haven't you?"

"Oh, daddy, you know me so well," Stiles giggled, knowing that he was currently driving his father pretty much insane with his annoying behavior. "But it's way better than the stupid omegas and betas I've had up until now. Hold on to your horses, dad, this is going to be the best thing you've heard in years."

"You've gotten me my old job back?" John deadpanned, making Stiles snort.

"We all know that's never going to happen, dad," Stiles replied, shifting in his chair again to get more comfortable. "Anyways, the best thing you've heard in years is that I have found myself not only an extremely handsome werewolf, but he's an alpha as well."

"An alpha?" John asked after a few seconds of silence, making Stiles hum in confirmation. "How? Is that even possible? And how did you get an alpha?"

"You're asking me how I got an alpha?" Stiles laughed, shaking his head even though he knew his father couldn't see him. "You do know how I don't always go by the laws, don't you? And, the boss of that crappy organisation still owed me a favor so I asked him to collect the best werewolves he could possibly find and now he actually caught me an alpha. And, of course, I just had to buy it, now didn't I?"

"And it didn't pop up in your head once that maybe this guy wanted to be free?"

"He was in hiding, father," Stiles snorted, taking his feet off of his desk and instead leaning on it with his elbows now. "He could never be free in this world, now could he? Not with every human going after him to try and capture him."

"Well, maybe we need to stop that then, huh? Maybe it isn't really fair that we as humans think that we're so great and that we have the right to take away the freedom away from some poor werewolves," John said, sounding angered which made Stiles chuckle.

"Since when are you such a peacemaker, dad?" Stiles questioned, fingers of his free hand twitching. "Look, dad, we can't change it. The world is this way, and we are never going to change it. I've already tried to get rid of some of the monsters that call themselves humans, but we all know how that worked out, now don't we?"

"Oh yeah, right, the reason why we had to run out of Beacon Hills and never return to it," John replied, sounding absolutely and utterly and completely done with this whole thing. "Oh and also the reason why we had to go into hiding for three years before I could come into public again- even though I still had to convince everyone that you were stuck in a mental asylum."

"But I got checked out, now didn't I? And now all the world knows that it was just me who was trying to get some attention because my poor mommy died and it broke my heart," Stiles whined, chuckling afterward. "But anyways, seeing as that I still have an alpha waiting for me who so desperately wishes for my attention and wants me to scratch his ears."

"They're not dogs, Stiles," John groaned, making Stiles chuckle again. "Please, do your old man a favor and don't treat him like a dog."

"Why would I ever do you a favor, dad? But, don't worry, he's not going to be my dog. I have way better purposes for that little baby, and he and I both will enjoy it a lot," Stiles grinned to himself, eyeing the door to the basement which held Derek. "Now, dad, I've got to go. My little alpha won't get back to his beta origins without a little help, now will he?"

"His beta origins? Do you- Stiles, was he raised to be a beta?" John asked, sounding shocked.

"Bye bye daddy! Have fun with that little piece of information," Stiles laughed, ending the call and putting his phone onto his desk before he looked back at the door leading to the basement, licking his lips. "Oh yeah, I'm definitely going to bring you back to being a nice little beta. You will be my perfect little submissive alpha."

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