Bad Vs Bad

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(Sorry for any errors, I will come back to fix them).

Bad Vs. Bad

Chapter 1-

Kendra's POV~

"Mom, you can't do that!" I yelled at her.

"Of course I can! I'm your mother and you need to respect the things I say!" She called out from the bottom of the stairs.

"Why can't you just let me live my life?!" I said from my spot at the top of the stairs.

"Well if you want to live your life," she paused and glared at me. "Then you can do that once you're eighteen and out of this house!" My jaw dropped as she finished. Was she serious?

"What?! That's not fair! My Birthday isn't until eight more months!" I wish it could have been sooner.

"Well until then, you are grounded."

I gave her the meanest glare I could possibly give her and stormed off into my bedroom to think of a plan for tonight.


I zipped up my combat boots and tried to see how I was going to sneak out of this house. Knowing my parents, that was not going to be easy. But I didn't care. I quickly sent my best friend, Ryan, a text telling him that I was on my way to pick him up. I turned off the lights in my room and locked the doors and quickly ran down the stairs. I didn't really care if my parents heard me or not and shut the front door on my way out. I mentally laughed at my mother for being dumb enough to forget to take my keys away. She's not as smart as she thinks she is.

I sped off and arrived at Ryan's house in fifteen minutes. His parents were actually really cool so they didn't really mind us going out so late.

"Hey Sweets!" He giggled.

I looked with slight anger and confusion. "Did you get high without me?!" I asked.

I almost laughed at the sight in front of me and probably would have if it had been any other day. Ryan looked terrified. Kind of how a little boy would look when his parents find out that he peed on his bed.

"No." He replied too quickly, then he began to laugh out of control. I scoffed and shook my head at him. We didn't have time for this. I didn't even want to get high, I wanted to get drunk instead.

I drove off again in the opposite direction of the city. The place that we were going to was just outside of the town.

It took us almost half an hour to get there. Mostly because I got lost and the idiot next to me was too loopy to be any sort of help. We pulled up to the old warehouse in front. You could basically feel the ground shaking from the extremely loud music. There was trash littered all over the front of the building and even on the trees and bushes. Also half naked people were running around and jumping into the lake that was to the right side of the warehouse.

Damn, Brian did a good job in finding a place for the party tonight.

Ryan and I got out of the car and headed inside. This place looked like a club. Not that i've been in one before... There was a bar in the left corner of the room and the rest was a dance floor with the DJ put up on a small platform. There was also a set of stairs on the left and right walls leading up to a second floor that overlooked the dance floor. The second floor had strippers dancing on the poles that were set up and also people making out and basically dry humping each other on the torn up couches. One thing I was sure of was that there was no way i'd be going on that second floor.

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