Chapter 2

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I closed my eyes as his lips touched mine; the cup slipped from my hand and fell to the ground. I couldn't believe what was happening. Why would Caleb Ryder kiss me? His one hand was on my waist and the other behind my head, clutching a bunch of my hair. Just as I thought of savoring the moment, he held both my arms and

pushed me away...

"Hey, babe.." He spoke too softly.

I was still speechless as I saw him looking at me for a split second with his gray stormy eyes. He ran his hand through his hair and clenched his jaw before turning around to the opposite direction. Clearly a look of dissatisfaction.

"Here, Tim, what did I tell you? She was coming to the party.. She is the girl I was talking about, alright? Now are we done here?" Caleb said looking at Tim. I heard everyone gasp and whisper and as I looked around, I found the whole room filled with my school mates.

Wait! What girl? What is going on? I shouted mentally in my head, but nothing came out of my mouth.

I saw a surprised Jake come forward smiling at me and then at Caleb, "Bro, are you sure?"

Jake was one of the three members of Caleb's gang. The other two standing quietly in the distance were Sean and Peter. These four boys were the epitome of looks, popularity and danger. Most of the school used to worship these three like they were god.

"Yes, Jake, I am quite sure" Caleb replied in a low voice. He then turned to the group and said, "Tim, she is my girlfriend, alright? Now I hope you'll stop with your snooping and mind your own business! So, Leave" The last word was more of an order.

Girlfriend? I looked at him, stunned and speechless. Did I hear him right? Did he call me his girl friend? I was surely dreaming. This has to be one of my fantasy dreams where he marries me in a beautiful beach and then we walk into the sunset holding each others hands. A smile appeared on my face instantly.

"Wait!" Tim came out and laughed looking at me, "You want me to believe she is your girl?? Are you trying to be funny or what?"

I instantly started hating Tim for that remark, even though I had never known him personally. But why was Caleb calling me his girlfriend?

Caleb moved furiously in front of Tim and looked at him straight in the eye, "Yes dude, she is my girl, Now F*** off before it gets really bad!" and at that moment the whole room was divided into two groups. Caleb's side outnumbered Tim's by more than a few. This was something Tim hadn't expected and without uttering another word he left along with his gang.

Nina came out of the crowd and grabbed my elbow. I looked sideways to see her shocked face, "Oh my god Bella, what did just happen?"

"I don't know Nina, I am wondering that myself" I reply.

"Bella, Caleb kissed you!!! Can you imagine it?" she whisper screamed in front of my ears, and I couldn't but smile myself. The thought of Caleb kissing me has been my dream ever since I was in the 6th grade. Okay! Just to be clear, I had this huge crush on Caleb since the 6th grade, but could never confess to him, and after he became such a bully and also popular kid among everyone, it was more difficult for me to even stand in front of him without proving myself to be a complete retard. I had tried many times to talk to him in the past years, but failed miserably and had finally given up. I had thus accepted the fact that he and I were meant to be in two completely different worlds. But, here I was, standing here in front of that long forgotten crush, after giving him my first kiss.

"He kissed you Bella, does that mean Caleb likes you too?" Nina asked very softly so that only we both can hear each other. Nina was my childhood best friend, so it was obvious she would know my every little secret. I looked up to her confused face and smiled widely. In my mind, I just wanted to scream with joy. He liked me. Yes, he did. Otherwise why would he kiss me?

I looked at him, he was talking to Jake about something after which he turned towards me again. Just thinking of him being so near me for the first time made me a whole lot nervous. I started fidgeting with my dress just to keep my sanity intact for the time being.

"Hey, you, what's your name?" Caleb asked with an irritated look on his face.

I looked up to him in shock. Was he really asking me this? And suddenly all my dreams shattered.

"Who... me?" I asked, trying not to choke in the insult.

"Yes you, or who else am I speaking to?" Caleb grunted.

"Umm... It's Bella" I said looking away in hurt.

"Okay, from today onward, you will be with me whenever I call you, and yes..." Caleb stared at me, "You are my girlfriend for the time being" and he put his jacket on and walked away.


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XoXo ;)

I Kissed Mr. Popular (IKMP Series #1) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now