Daddy's Girl

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 I'm sitting here in Loki's flat in Chelsea, London, Earth, the Solar System.......waiting for my phone to ring; the occupational hazard of being an actress.

Okay not being in Loki's flat (though who knows with that man), the waiting part.

I've had my audition, yesterday afternoon, and now the wait begins. One of the final two, I've been promised that I'd know at least if I was being called back by this afternoon.

In my limited experience it doesn't usually happen quite so quickly but a number of actresses, including myself, are going out of town in the next few days and none further than me.

I'm going back to Asgard.

Back to my grandmother and family.

Back to be a princess.

Back to give Loki the hard time he deserves.

Not that anyone knows.

For all intents and purposes I'm here on earth for good. That is, according to king of Asgard, the safest way to be.

But if I'm honest it's highly likely I'll be back on Asgard by the end of the day.

I'm pretty sure I bombed my audition – I was too distracted and apparently it's not a good idea to accidently hit your co-star in the face while gesticulating wildly. I'm sure Tom Hiddleston will survive (the ice seemed to be taking the swelling out when I left). Yes he'll survive. My career? Not so much.

It's all Loki's fault – but isn't everything?

That kiss, that kiss curled my toes and fogged my brain. That kiss is one of those five kisses in the history of the kiss that people write about across the universe (don't ask me to come up with the others I'm still recovering from being part of THAT one). It was something I didn't expect and something I'm still thinking about, something that turned my world upside down in more ways than one. It was a simple kiss, the answer to what we have been dancing around for a week and a half but it's something that has brought up more questions than it answered and there has been no time to answer them.

No time until now and no-one who could or would except the man taking up the entire couch in this Chelsea flat; the man happily snoring away, while we wait for news, the man who gave me life and then changed it dad, Tony Errikson...............Thor -the mythical god of Thunder. Yes the man who is the actual god of complicating my life and turning things upside down.

After the kiss, okay series of kisses...........yeah it might have been a bit of a snogging session, I rested my forehead breathlessly on Loki's. Still trying to work out what had happened both in the moment and in my head.

What the hell were the visions? What the hell had been happening to me? Why the hell did I kiss that man (okay I kind of knew the answer to that one – there had been some weird kind of attraction from the beginning – he was an arse and I still wasn't sure about him but he's a sexy arse (and he has a sexy arse) and he fascinated and frustrated me in equal measures right from the moment he plucked me from earth). The kiss had been an accident waiting to happen. The visions of the other kiss, a gentler more chaste version of the full-on passionate, heated almost vicious event that had just taken place (I think I bit his lip at one stage this time) – those were what really threw me.

"We've done that before," I whispered through my laboured breathing. Heaving for breath and still clutching my face, though a little more gently now, Loki didn't answer me but looked a little stricken.

"How have we done that before?" I asked still breathless and bewildered, pulling away from him to shake my head.

"I don't understand," I say now a metre away from him and shaking my head like I could shake the memory (in or out I wasn't sure).

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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