Harry Im Pregnant ( Larry stylinson )

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Louis Point of veiw

I bite down on my covers as the pain begins to come back but this time worse    "Harry!" I shout but it came out as a sob.

    I hear the sound of bear feet hitting against the ground coming closer to the bedroom door. just then Harry comes into out bedroom with concern written all over his face " It Hurts" I cry. This has been happening for two weeks now but not as bad as this I was able to go to school but now I can't even make it to the bathroom without being in pain and im not on planing Harry any of that he worrys to much and he has to focus on school because me and Harry and my best friends Niall, Liam and Zayn are graduating this year well hopefully me if this pain goes away and fast ! " Where abouts baby ? " Harry asks 

    " Here" I point to me lower abdomen. Harry comes over to the bed and crawls over to me and places his hand on my abdomen and starts to rub. The pain started to go away but not fully it always did that when Harry touched my abdomen or anywhere the pain was it was like he had a magic touch.  " Better ? "  He asked

"Yeh thank you Haz" I try to give him a smile but im exhausted he gives me a sympathetic look "Are you sure you are okay because I can take a day of school " worry In his voice

" Yes you go to school you need to learn" exhaust in mine

" Okay let me get you a hot water bottle  for your stomach an ice pack for your head  a bin incase your sick and a bottle of water and ill be off " Says Harry.  After 2 minutes or so Harry came back into the room and placed bin on the floor the bottle of water on the night stand the hot water bottle on my stomach earning a few sighs from me  and the ice pack on my head " If the pain gets any worse while im at school phone me or one of the lads and we'll be right round " he says while he kisses me on top of my head and left for school.

I woke up from my deep sleep with the pain back again but this time a lot worse " HARRY!" I cry out. No answer then I remembered he's at school ' You can do this without harry right now Tomlinson you need to get yourself to the hospital now stop acting like a baby and do that' I  thought to myself.  I tryed to sit up but that was a bad idea my stomach flipped and I grabed the bin and empted my stomach into the bin. I pull back my covers and luckly I had sweat pants on. I grabed my T-shirt of the chair and put it on making a few hissing noises while putting it on I stood up and grabed my keys, phone and wallet and made my way to my car.

I finally made it to the hospital I found a parking space near the hospital so I had less to walk. I walked into the entrance cluching onto my stomach. A nurse  spots me and shouts " We need  wheelchair Now !" She sits me on the chair " What's your name love ? She asks

"Louis, Louis Tomlinson " Before she could say anything else I  blacked out ..

Sorry that its short not very good at making stories please give me back your feed back on how it is and how I can inprove the story to make it more exciting


Harry Im Pregnant ( Larry stylinson )Where stories live. Discover now