Chapter 2: Transfer Student.

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~Naruto's POV~

I slowly began to wake up, the annoying sound of my alarm ringing in my ears. My arm slowly raises itself up as it drops turning off the alarm.

Looking up to check the time 6:30am 'It's so early...' I say to myself, pulling the blanket over my head. I hear the door being unlocked and opening "No..." I lightly groaned "Good morning!" My so called guardian yelled upon entering my small apartment. "Hey, kid, what are you still doing in bed?" He asks pulling the blanket off of me "You don't want to be late on your first day, do you." He says grinning "Just shut up..." I softly say, getting up feeling a little groggy "You really need to show some respect kid, I am your guardian after all." He says, yes he is my guardian but I just don't give a shit. "Anyway I just came to make sure you got up on time..." He says leaving money on the table "See you later kid." He waves "See you later, Perv." I casually say "Stop calling me that, you know my name's Jiraiya!" He yelled "I know..." I say tiredly, scratching the back of my head. He just sighed, leaving, not arguing further. "New school, huh..." I say looking at my new uniform 'Better get done.' Was I all thought.

My name is Naruto Uzumaki, as you can see I'm going to a new school, which kind of sucks. And that's all you need to know.

Getting dressed, my mind drifted back to that girl I met. 'What the hell came over me?' I wondered, I mean it really wasn't a smart move making trouble this part of town. But it's not like I could turn a blind eye to what was happening. 'That girls way too soft...' I thought to myself remembering her telling me not to hurt the guy. Lightly chuckling 'Even though they hurt her... She's too kind.' I thought to myself rubbing my face, but then feeling the scratch I received when she slapped me. "But she's kinda tough..." I say "Still... I shouldn't have threatened the man using His name..." I sigh remembering the insane and rash threat "If I ever see you again... I'll be sure to let Pain know of you and your partners activities in His town..."

I just shook my head, grabbing my bag, slipping the money the old Perv left, into my pocket. Leaving the small apartment.

~Hinata's POV~

Despite the entire households objections of going to school, I didn't listen. I was perfectly fine, even though my abdomen was still a little bruised, I wasn't going to miss school. Besides training with Father, I've kind of become hardened to getting hurt. But another reason is telling my friends about the situation, after they all sent messages last night to find out if I'm okay.

Father had no objection of me going to school, he just gave a firm nod and walked away 'Still so cold...' I thought, a frown forming on my face. "You ready, Hinata-sama?" My personal driver asks, I just nod my head to confirm as she opens the door for me. "Where's Neji?" I ask curious, getting in the car "Neji-sama went to school early this morning..." She says starting the car "Really?" Questions, looking out the window.

We finally arrived, getting out the car, waving my driver off. Walking into my school, Konoha High School, a private school for some of the best and brightest. While some would argue it's just for rich stuck up children.

I'm not really popular at my school, sure everyone knows the Hyuga name but not many take the time to get to know me. As I see people distant themselves from me- yeah unapproachable- but there's another reason for that. Getting to my locker, I hear shouts from two of the most... Outgoing? Sure outgoing/crazy best friends you could ever ask for, almost running toward me. "Are you okay?!" The pink haired girl, Sakura Haruna, asks concerned "Yeah are you hurt?" A blonde, Ino Yamanaka, asks as well. I smile "M-Morning..." I say softly, needless to say it's a bit hard to speak with their... Overpowering personalities but they are great friends. "Tell us what happened..." Sakura says "Yeah, you left us hanging yesterday telling us to wait." Ino finished. "O-Oka-" I was cut off as the siren went off, indicating everyone had to get to their homeroom classes. "Tell us in class." Sakura says grabbing my arm while Ino grabs the other.

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