Chapter 3 - Walls

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Even though I agreed to go with them, I was blindfolded most of the way to their camp. That worried me. The drive was long and I sat in the back corner of the car, hands tied behind my back. The one called Hinata took off my blindfold when the car stopped. I took the moment to take in my surroundings. The first thing I noticed were the tall looming walls. They were made from all kinds of scrap metal and wire fencing. Supported by thick tree trunks every yard or so. The gate opened and the car was given access, it slowly drove through and parked close to the entrance next to a few other cars. As if it was common practise the three boys all got out of the vehicle in sync and I was left there to sulk. Hinata began talking to some men that approached them, often glaring back at the car. Nods were exchanged and a man I was yet to meet cane towards the car and dragged me out of it like a piece of meat.
"Hey asshole! Watch it!" I shouted, regaining my composure.
"Shut it weasle!" The blonde man says, looking down at me through his sharp glasses. The light glared off them as he looked down at me and revealed piss yellow eyes. I scoffed.
"Tsukki~ Be nice." says a smaller boy running over and tugging on his arm. I looked the boy up and down, he was definitely the frailest one I'd seen yet. He was scronny and weak, covered in freckles. You'd think he was the one coming from the wasteland. Not to mention his vibe. Puppy dog. The clingy type.  "Just take him to Daichi and let him deal with it, okay?" he begged. Definitely the clingy type. I'm tugged again and walked further into the camp. The walk was long enough so I took the time to look around. I hate to admit it but I was impressed. It was like I'd walked into an alternate dimension, completely unaffected by the outbreak. The buildings were In perfect condition and the streets were clean. I couldn't help but crack a small smile. No one seen though. They walked me to a large building, what I'm guessing they use as a town hall. (I've seen vamps like this before, they set up these fake democracies and pretend like nothing is wrong. It makes me sick) You enter and first thing you see is a grand entrance, a two doors on either sides and stairs leading up to more doors.
"Hurry up." the blonde groans. Tugging me towards one of the two doors. He knocks and there's a quick response. A young girl answers the door, her hair is dark and she wears red glasses. Her figure close to perfection. I couldn't help but stare.
"Come in..." she says shyly, opening the door further. Upon entering, the room is like a study. Lots of books and wood. There's a grand desk infront of me as the door is opened. A large guy sits in his chair doing paperwork of some sort.
"Tsukishima! What way is that to treat our guest?!" The man in the chair shouts, standing up and giving me a crooked smile. "Unite him now." He said through his teeth angrily. "I'm sorry about this, please take a seat." he says, holding out a hand to the chair infront of the desk. I groan and sit down knowing there's no way of getting out of this. The blonde telephone pole leaves the room and the girl continues with whatever she was doing before hand.
"Ah, maybe we should introduce ourselves fir-"
"Where's my dog..." I cut him off, realising I haven't seen Atlas since the store.
"Your dog will be getting taken care of, please don't worry. This is a safe place."
"You literally are seeing me for the first time you don't know shit. Safe my ass, your little scavengers came and put a knife to my head, and my dog's kneck. I was brought here against my own will!" I shouted.
"They put a knife to your head?" He sighs deeply. "Was it Hinata? He has a thing for trying to act tough. He does it with the dead." He sighed and leaned back.
"Do I look dead to you?!"
"Listen, hear us out first. I'm sorry they brought you here like that. I ask them to go out and recruit new members but I guess they don't understand what recruit means. You don't have to stay with us, but you're welcome to if you like. You can leave whenever you wan-"
"Members? Of wha- you know what I don't even want to know. Show me the exit!" I say, standing up giving the guy a harsh glare.
"Well it won't be that simple." He says, looking back at the chair, asking me to sit again. I flop back onto the chair and slouch back. "You know how it is, we need information, and anyone and everyone has information. By the looks of you you're on your own. Is that true?" I nod. "Well if that's the case then i'm going to need you to tell me everything about your background." The man says, looking me dead in the eyes. I felt the atmosphere of the room change. I could even feel the girl behind me flinch.
"What the hell!? No way!" I sit up and lean forward into his face.
"Well then you can't leave."
"This is kidnapping!" I shout, getting angry
"You think anyone will care? There's no human left who cares about you being missing in a world like this. People only care about surviving. Those dead things out there are the only things that give a damn because you're their food supply! This world belongs to zombies now! You need to get used to it. So i'll ask you again, what's your background, and if you work for a group. Who are they?" He finishes.
"A group!? I told you already i'm alone!"
"Then tell me your background!"
I click my tongue and look away, there's no way I could tell him what i've done. My parents, all those people I-No...I stay here and figure out a way to escape.
"Fair enough, I know i'm asking for a lot but you'll understand soon enough why I need all the info you've got. We'll take care of you, you'll be given three meals a day, a roof over your head and you'll be allowed to roam through the town as freely as you wish. But DO NOT try escape. We have guards placed all around the walls watching at all times. And one last thing. The girl's name is Kiyoko Shimizu, and I am Daichi Sawamura. This little group we have here...we call ourselves the 'Fallen Crows'." I laughed to myself.
"That's gay." I mumble.
"I'm sorry?"
"Hmm?" I smirk, pretending nothing happened.
With that the man that I now know by the name of Daichi, stands up and holds the door open for me.
"Tsukisima! Come take-" he pauses for a moment. "What's your name again?"
"Tobio...Kageyama Tobio. I think."
"You think?" he looks confused
"I haven't had to introduce myself to anyone for a while...and just...trauma and stuff it doesn't really matter." I say, looking away again.
"Okay well...Tsukishima, come take Kageyama to the small condo on the left side of the camp." He calls. The boy I now know by the name of Tsukishima (or i will refer to him as saltyshima) comes to the door and places a hand on my back, guiding me out of the building.
"You can stop touching me now asshole."


I'm brought to a small apartment building. It looks modern and clean from the outside, three stories high with nice bushes and plant life in the front.

"Room 2B. Don't lock your door, everyone has to be inside by 10. The pantree is near the gates, i'll have someone sent over to bring you supplies now." That's all he says and he just walks off. I let out a deep sigh and enter the building, navigating my way to 2B. Once I find the room I enter and am surprised by how nice it is.
It's fully furnished with a kitchen and bathroom installed. I flick a light switch and to my surprise the light actually turns on.
"Holy shit, this is awesome!" I say to myself, getting a little too excited. I then realise why i'm here again and my depression comes back. I don't plan to stay, and I don't plan to tell them about my past. Then it suddenly hits me....Atlas! I run to the door and swing it open and nearly run into a small girl standing in front of me. She's blonde with short hair and is holding a basket full of things like toilet paper, shampoo, shaving equipment etc. She's also holding onto a lead with a neatly cut and washed German Shepherd attached to it.
"Is that-" I say, unable to finish my sentence at how different he looks.
"Yup! That's your pupper. He's so cute! We couldn't stand all the matting and fleas on his fur so we treated him nicely for you. There's some dog food and toys in here too if you'd like" the small girls says holding out the basket.
"Ah- thank you." I say, taking the basket.
"By the way, my name is Hitoka Yachi, and I work in the pantree. If you ever need anything just call down and I should be there." she smiles then waves goodbye. I close the door slowly and start rummaging through the basket.
"Woah! I haven't seen some of this stuff in forever!" I say to myself. I rummages through the basket and find things like, bread, milk, tea, shampoo and conditioner, toothpaste and a toothbrush and more. I never thought I would be so happy to see a tooth brush again.
Atlas jumps on my lap, I can finally make out his face. It's the first time i'm really seeing it properly since he's all grown up. I stoke his head softly and lay out some food for him, then I jump into a hot shower for the first time in fuck knows how long.

If only I could get used to this.

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