Chapter 72

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Zero Hour – 3 Days

They arrived at their tiny hotel on the outskirts of Northern town of Srinagar just as the weather started to break, clouds rolling in from off the surrounding hills that brought with them a rain that soaked everything it touched instantly and left the unforgettable smell of wet soil in the air.

"Perfectly normal," their liaison from the Indian Army said as he held up an umbrella to protect Sinu from the downpour. "We get these small weather problems every now and then."

"It's fine, Major Toor," Sinureplied nodding when she was safely under the canopy of the entrance, waiting for the rest of the team to disembark. "It's actually lovely, a nice break from the heat down South."

"We were sorry to hear about your daughter, Mrs. Cabello," the officer said, "let me assure you that we are doing everything we can to ensure her safe return, and a full enquiry is underway to investigate how such an incident occurred in our country."

"Thank you, Major," Sinu replied maintaining her polite formality, her shield against the world. "Any efforts you make are very much appreciated I assure you. May I introduce the team that have agreed to assist you with the demonstration of our equipment tomorrow?"

The Major nodded and Sinu introduced them all, going from one to another telling him who they were and what they were going to be doing; implanting their cover story on anyone that might be listening. After the perfunctory nods and handshakes, they were escorted inside and shown to the rooms that had been prepared for them so they could get changed and ready for their ride to the demonstration site. They had that cover to keep up, and though she suspected that someone, somewhere in the Indian Army knew what they were up to, no one was going to let anything out of the bag.

"Lauser," Dinah's voice followed a banging on her door, "you ready? Time's ticking."

"Coming," she shouted, zipping up her jacket and stuffing her phone into her pocket, "keep your pants on, Dinah."

She found her leaning against the wall opposite to her door, with a wry smile on her face; Andy and Simon flanking her mimicking her pose.

"Aw, don't you all look cute," she said at their posturing, "tell me, when's the wedding?"

"Couple of months from now if you must know, Snowy," Dinah said surprising her slightly. "You should be getting your invite any day soon."

"Another reason to get Miss Camila back then, Sarge," Andy teased, "I'm sure that invite will be have a 'plus one' on it and I don't think I've got any chance of being your date, have I?"

"I wouldn't bank on it, no," she said with a raised eyebrow, "though if I am invited, and I do take Camila, that means my team will need to be on hand to provide security for us both... so that will mean no partying for you pair of fuckers. In fact, I think I'll recommend to Camila that she and the entire family needs twenty-four-hour protection throughout the event from everyone assigned to them. Make sure you earn your overtime, that'll make you two popular with the team,"

The three of them looked at her in surprise. She held their look for a second before winking, "do you ladies want to play some more?" she asked as Dinah's lips started to twitch in amusement.

"Thought not, shall we then?" she asked waving at them to move on and knocking on Sinu's door. She got a friendly cuff from Simon as he passed and a clap on the shoulder and a smile from Andy.

"Ready, Mrs. C?" she said as the door opened revealing her travel worn charge.

"As I'll ever be, Lauren," she said shaking her head, "this is one ride I'm not looking forward to."

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