Chapter 33

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"Best time yet, Lauren, really well done!"

Sinu's voice came drifting over the range as Lauren placed the safety onto the fake rifle and wiped her brow. Her last day at Cabello mansion was proving to be a tough one, her teasing of Alejandro over last night's dinner spurring Sinu and Camila to drive her to practice.

If she's honest, she didn't need much motivation. According to Sinu, Alejandro didn't think she could beat Dinah, let alone win the competition itself and that was why he had made his bet. She was determined to prove him wrong, though.

Dinah, on the other hand, was less disparaging; sending her e- mails telling her how much practice she was getting, and how fast her times were. Her teasing was good natured, though, and she kept telling her how much she was looking forward to their little game. With little over a week to go to the event itself, however, the competition that would mark the culmination of their part of the expo, she seemed to be enjoying rubbing in how ready she was.

"Set them up again, Sinu," she shouted over to the smiling woman, "different pattern, give me a challenge."

She waved and began tinkering with the control board in front of her; and Lauren reloaded the paintball gun and reset it, checking the pressure in its compressed air tank as she did so.

"You ok, Lauren?" Camila asked as she approached the hay bales that marked the start where she was currently waiting.

"I'm fine, Camila" she told her, taking the bottle of water from her hand and taking a long drink. "You guys are just slave drivers, that's all."

In contrast to yesterday's storm, today had turned into a beautiful day. The sun was shining and she was feeling the effects in her vest and combats. It wasn't anywhere as hot as either of the war zones she'd served in, but it was warm enough.

"Slave drivers!" Camila said with fake indignation, "I like that. Here we are trying to encourage you to do well and you accuse us of being slave drivers. For that, Jauregui, I'm tempted not to give you your present when we get to New York,"

"Present?" she said noncommittally, interested despite herself, but not wanting to show it. "Whatever."

Camila eyed her suspiciously before slapping her in the stomach with the back of her hand causing her to drop the water bottle.

"Bitch!" she said pouting. "You're supposed to be all disappointed and offer to take back the offending words." Her lips twitched as she pretended to frown, the smile very nearly breaking through. "That way I can relent, and tell you that you can have your present when we get over there."

Lauren shrugged and pulled down her eye protection just to annoy the brunette.

"What can I say, Camz?" she said casually as she lifted the rifle to her shoulder, "I have no doubt I'll get this present whatever I do... Ready when you are!" she yelled across to Sinu and winked at Camila before turning her back on her and getting ready. It was with a real sense of joy that she launched herself through the gate as soon as the light turned green. As she powered her way from target to target, she felt like she was properly herself again, like she was on top of her game and like she had never been injured.

It felt good, really, really good.

She felt whole again.

"Again!" she yelled at Sinu as she sprinted across the finish line, grinning like a lunatic at the thumbs up the woman gave her as she crossed the line. She jogged back to the table where Camila was stood waiting, picking up another magazine and slotting it home.

"Lauren, don't you think you should take a break?" she asked, "You've been at this for hours now."

"One more run through, Camila, then I'll take a break."

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