Chapter 3- The not so Braiden!

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Hobbling towards the DIY store, I started to think about the things that I needed. I contemplated the different styles I had picked out for the bathroom but I actually hadn't even decided on which one to do.

I grabbed a trolley and made my way to the tiling section.  I must have been looking through countless of tiles for a long time cause I had some worker make his way up to me.

"Ah hi, excuse me ma'am can I help with anything?" he asked while looking at the tiles with me.

"No, I'm good thanks, just having an internal debate about what tiles to chose" I responded with a light chuckle.

'Well if you need anything, just go over to the counter and ask for Fred." He said giving me the full white Colgate smile. except it was more the before photo rather than the after photo.

"Sure thing.. Thanks.. um Fred" I responded with a nod and continued my browsing.

Ugh this is pointless. I thought to myself 2o minutes later. I had 4 different tiling samples in my hand and not one made an matching sense to me. Thinking about Fred's offer I looked around to see that he was no where to be found. I sighed and walked up the counter that was previously pointed out to me. I rang the bell and played with my nails while waiting impatiently.

"Can I help you?" A tall, dark haired, fair skinned, well built guy asked me. I turned and looked at him. I couldn't respond to him. You know that moment where you meet a guy the eyes connect you have a moment and well everything goes perfect from there.. Well I had that moment.. with this guy.. But 10 years ago. Now it was the awkward "holy crap what do I do or say" moment.

"Ah Hi, I'm looking for Fred" I asked hopeful that he didn't remember me. Play it cool, I thought to myself, way to go.

"He's not here but maybe I can help you?" He offered looking at the tiles in my hands. "Besides I know and you know that I will do much better to help you" he added with a wink.

doing a slight little cough I let it go and asked him the question I've been busting to ask Fred 25 minutes ago "I need some help." I said.

"Go on" He replied causally.

"Well I'm tiling my bathroom and I have no idea of theme to go with." I responded quickly laying out the 4 tiles I had chosen. "I wanted to go with this light and dark Mocha themed, a two toned theme to make it look more appealing to buyers and to add that new edge into it" I started rambling on. This awkwardness was really getting to me. I mean it's not everyday you return to the home town that you ran away from. And there are reason as to why someone runs away.. Its so that you didn't have to return.

"Well I would go for these two" He pointed out a marble mocha with a dark brown tile "Use the Marble Mocha as your main tile around the bathroom and then use the darker tile as your feature. so maybe make a feature wall, a feature strip or even randomly spaced around the bathroom to tie it all together".

Humph. well I never thought of that. I thought to myself. I closed my eyes and could see exactly what he was talking about. As quickly as I closed my eyes I opened them to see that handsome man staring back at me.

"By the looks of that, your picturing it, like you always do with something you haven't thought of. How are you going Liberty?" I was a little shocked to hear him say my name.

"I um.."

"Yes I remember you and I know that you remember me too. What has it been? 7 maybe 8 years. That's a long time to forget someone and even in that how could one ever forget you" He said with a bit of distaste in his voice.

Clearing my throat I carefully thought out what I was going to say "I, Yes hi Braiden. I was wondering if you remembered me. I thought you didn't which is why I didn't say something"

"You look good, the years have been kind to you. Although I would never have pictured you with red hair" Braiden studied me like he studied for a history exam as he spoke, and ran his finger tips through the ends of my hair.

"Thank you, apparently so does everyone else" I murmured more to myself.


"I said thank you, your not too bad in aging yourself" I changed my reply earning a quick chuckle from him.

"Listen I better get.." I started but was soon cut off by my mobile ringing. I quickly excused myself leaving the tiles on the bench and walked away a few metres into the next isle.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi Libby its just me I was wanting to know maybe I come over to yours tonight, pick up where we left with a bottle of wine and some spaghetti for dinner tonight?" sang Ashlynn's voice. She was a little too cheery for only having hate towards a few hours ago. I better keep her at arms length.

"I don't think that will be.."

"Oh nonsense, I'll bring a friend over and we can chill and chat tonight." She interjected.

"But I'm.."

"Good that settles it, we will be there at 6:30pm with the red wine and the food to cook. oh your at your parents aren't you?" She asked.

no getting rid of her now.

"Yeah I am. same place" I responded sighing running a hand through my hair. This is not how I wanted my night to go.

"Good'o then see you soon"

Next second I was hearing a dial tone in my ear. Great! I thought looking up to the roof. Just what I need.

"Troubles?" Braiden asked as I nearly jumped through my skin. 

"No, no troubles Listen I gotta go, can I get those two lots of tiles please" I said hurriedly. I grabbed my wallet out and game him the measurements to the bathroom.

"Sure thing wait here I'll grab what you need."

I waited 10 minutes and then was greeted by a very puffed out Braiden pushing a trolley. 

"These are pretty heavy I'll take them to you car for you"

I quickly paid for them and made my way to the car with Braiden hot on my tail.

"Did you grab the tiling glue?" I asked thinking about hte extra's I needed.

"Yes and the tile spacers and the grout."

"Mocha grout?" 

"No, but a different one that will match in with both colour tiles you are using"

"What about the different wall tiles and floor tiles?"

Braiden shot out a big ball of laughter holding onto the trolley.

"I don't see what is so funny here?" I responded with a huff, opening up the tray lid to my RX Nissan Navara.

"Sweetheart you can use tiles anywhere. The only difference between flooring tiles and wall tiles are the designs and weight of them. If using floor tiles for the wall be sure to add more tiling glue to help support them better" Braiden said in between laughters "And here I was fooled thinking you became a working class woman, instead your a beginner" 

"oh" Was all I could say. I stood there waiting for Braiden to finish his ridiculous laughing and tray loading so that I could close the lid to my car.

"Nice ride" He said after loading the last tile box.

"Thanks. does what I need it to do." I opened the door to the front cab. "Thanks for the help" 

"No problem, I believe I will be seeing you later?" He asked with hope gleaming in his eyes.

"Um maybe" With that I closed my door, started my car and reversed, leaving a very dumbfounded Braiden standing in the carpark. 


Hi there, I would love the feedback. What do you think? Boring? I tried to make it longer but I couldn't do it without making it too dragged on.

Thanks xx

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