Chapter 1- Introductions to be made/A wild Host Club appears!

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Edit: 19/4/15

And then the vase and pillar toppled to the ground. I lunged and caught the vase before it shattered into a million pieces. I couldn't say the same for the pillar. It tipped and fell and broke. In three different places, minus all the chips that flew everywhere. I stared in horror. How did it lead to this? I thought as I glanced at the five figures around me.

——Earlier that day——

I stood in front of the mirror in my underwear. Why couldn't I be like those girls who have curves? I'm skinny but my chest is... well, way too small for a girl my age if you ask me. The dorm room isn't the biggest but has just enough room for me. A floor length mirror and cupboards cover one wall, shelves cluttered with books on another, posters from various bands and TV shows, wall art and quotes on the wall by the door, and my double bed, covered in pillows and my bedside table on another. Organized chaos. Well I know where everything is at least! Robert Frost and Edgar Allen Poe lay half open, decorating the carpet. After reaching into the cupboard I shrugged on a white shirt and buttoned it up. Then into the black pants. First leg, second leg, wiggle, jump, and we're done! Tying up the two-tone blue tie is such a pain! On goes a cream vest, and then the brilliant red school blazer; the only part of the uniform in general I actually like. The majority of females in the school choose to wear the dress or the skirt, I'm not really a fan of free flowing attire. How do they even walk in those things? Especially when the wind is blowing. Pants are perfectly fine for me. According to the gender on my record I'm not meant to wear the male uniform, but the teachers have grown accustomed to it over time. But they don't let me buy it from the uniform shop so I make do.

Sigh. I actually look like a guy. A short, slightly feminine guy with quite long hair, but a guy nonetheless. After brushing back my pitch black hair and tucking it behind my ear, one side fell into my face. I tried to blow it away but just succeed in it flopping back. I give up. I slid my tortoiseshell glasses up the bridge of my nose. Now I can actually see properly. I would wear my contacts but I kind of lost them. Oh well. I'm set. I live in the school dorms so it's just a short walk to the campus for classes. In go my earphones and up goes the volume. Another year of tolerating school.

The campus of Chesterton is a sprawling mass of activity. Even after having been enrolled for one year already, I still think it's amazing. Students stride around the powder-blue structures that litter the grounds, with gardens spotted here and there, forming a mosaic of architecture. The view stretches out from the dorms which are situated on top of a small hill, creating a sense of privacy from the hustle and bustle of school life. The main garden is a maze of high hedges with a large oak tree in the centre. It's my favourite place to read as it's tranquil and secluded. The school buildings are a mix of old and new. Glass and steel, and blue plaster buildings are everywhere. I love it. I made my way down to the Reception to find out where my home room for this year was.

Homeroom was loud, as usual. Rowdy chatter wafted out doors and into hallways. By the time our teacher got everyone to quieten down, with varying degrees of success, it was almost time for first period. Schedules were hurriedly handed out as students filtered out of the room. I checked my timetable and made a face. I'll have to change that. I mean I'm not stupid, I do moderately well in all my tests, I just think school is a tedious affair. Mathematics was first up, then a free period (yes!) and then recess, Hospitality, Chemistry, English, and then lunch (when I can go off campus) and then drama. Overall, an okay day, could be better, could be worse. The first bell rang startling me out of my thoughts. I was going to be late for first!

I ran down the hallway and up the stairs to my maths classroom. Glancing around the room I only sighted a couple of spare seats. While the teacher's back was turned, I crept to the nearest chair, conveniently situated next to my best friend Jace Becker.

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