~ chapter 1. ~ (zodiac!)

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~Bages pov~

Thursday. The day that feels the longest, waiting for friday an, wednesday has just gone. Right now i was taking a science test. Heh it was pretty easy.

I brushed my fingers threw my ginger hair, as my brown eyes glanced around at the bubble sheet for the test. I started to gnaw on the tip of my pencil eraser, reading the multiple choice questions.

Science is my last class of the day, I just wish it would end. I glanced at the clock above the door. ' 2:48. ' is what the clock said. School ends at 3:05 and I walk home. It took me around 20 minutes if I took the short cut near the woods.

"Alright, please write your names on your test and put it in the box. We will finish up tomorrow." Mrs.Corr said, snapping me out of my dazed state.

'Yes....' i thought, as i got up and slipped my test into the box, and walking back to my desk. I than grabbed my stuff, and slipped out the door.

' 1063, 1064, ah! 1065! ' I thought, as I looked for my locker. My number was 1065. I walked towards it, and unlocked it with my locker key that I clipped to my pants.

I quickly stuffed my binders and note books into my rainbow-colored book bag. While I went to shut the locker, I jabbed my elbow. And ouch did it hurt?! But I had no time if I wanted to get home before my mom got worried.

I quick paced down the hallway. I grabbed my phone out of my coat pocket, and turned it on. The time read ' 3:10 ' I had time. Soon I was out of the school yard. Wow that went fast!

It seemed as if I was going to go straight, but when a car passed I swerved into a yard with a ' for sale. ' sign.

I was now going threw my little short cut, walking beside the house, and than right beside the boundary of the woods. If I kept going straight it would head to my fenced in yard.

I watched the ground, while kicking the pebbles that littered the dry ground. I saw something flicker out of the corner of my eyes, so my eyes darted up and off the ground.

Than I saw it. A bush swirved as a dark grey patch of fur was seen. What was it?

Hi, its zodiac! I've published chapter one! Yay! Two more chapters will be out tomarrow!

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