The Tenth Chapter

Start from the beginning

"I went ahead to see how much longer we have, and it's not long. Jin, can you get a read on where they are?" He looked over to the older, who nodded.

"They're here."

As he said those two words, the door flew in, scraping along the floor and grating our ears. Men in all black rushed in, and all hell broke loose.

Yoongi was hurling fireballs at anyone who came near us, Jungkook throwing any who got past him. Jennie had men wrapped in vines, squeezing until they suffocated, her groupmate with the blonde hair was making force fields and throwing discs of energy at the attackers, lodging them in their stomachs with sick wet sounds. The room smelled like burned flesh and the metallic bite of blood.

A man rushed me, a burn on his arm, open and leaking. He raised his uninjured arm, and I dug my hand into his burn. He doubled over, hissing in pain. I grabbed his head and turned it until it cracked with a sickening pop and he fell. I looked over to see if any of the others needed help, and saw Jimin frozen in fear, staring at the carnage as a man ran up behind him and held a knife to his throat. His eyes slipped closed as a sob left his lips. I ran to him, and cracked the man's neck like the first one.

Jimin looked at me, fear and helplessness in his eyes. He hadn't fought back, just let the knife get pressed to his throat. I flicked my eyes to where Jin was hiding, yelling out if more men were on the way or not. Jimin nodded, and ran over to the other, collapsing on the ground with sobs racking his body. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind, the cold point of a knife pressed to the base of my spine, along with the pressure of another body.

"Hi!" I turned around as Lisa appeared seemingly from nowhere, kicking the blade from the man's hand and knocking him out. She turned back to me, flashed a thumbs up, and shrank to the size of an ant, men flying and falling as she ran in the other direction.

All of a sudden, the sirens stopped and the attackers disappeared. The smells were gone, and the door had repaired itself. Bang stood in front of it, clapping with a proud smile on his face. He started walking towards us, his shoes clicking and echoing on the floor.

"Excellent work boys. You all did wonderful, just remember that one day, this won't be just a test, it'll be real life. You need to be ready for an attack at all times." He stopped in front of us, arms crossed behind his back, the girls we were fighting with at his sides.

"What the fuck do you mean, just a test? We could've died!" Namjoon said, resting against a wall and out of breath. One of the girls scoffed, and looked at him.

"Actually, you wouldn't have died. Once the blade entered your body you would be in a minor coma for one to three days, minimal scarring. Can we introduce ourselves now? I'm Rose." She placed her hand on her hip and looked back at Bang. He nodded at the girls, and Jennie stepped forward.

"I'm Jennie. That's Lisa and Jisoo. You already know Rose. Call us Blackpink." She smiled, and Hoseok gasped from where he was standing.

"Bang! You said no group names! Explain!" He rushed to the front, and stood in front of Bang with his arms crossed.

"Your group name isn't good, Hoseok. Get back to the others." Hoseok let out an exaggerated gasp and laid a hand on his chest, whispering "I am offended" under his breath before walking back and joining the rest of us again.

I looked over at the girls, an apologetic smile on my face.

"I'm V, or Taehyung, whichever you want to use. And these are my bitches." I gestured to the rest of them, Yoongi snorting next to me.

"Tae, the only one here that's your bitch is Jungkook." He clapped my shoulder, Jungkook protesting next to me.

"I can't deny that." The younger boy yelped at the words, and slapped my stomach.

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