Chapter 19 - Just Like Old Times.

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Chapter 19

Just Like Old Times.

Kayden was right.

It was a boring story.

Kayden explained to me how he had moved so suddenly. He explained that his father had been talking to some business man in California and the plans were set. Mr Shaw then moved out to California with Kayden, and according to Kayden my dad new about them moving away. So why didn’t he tell us?

When the Shaw’s made it to California they started working straight away to get their restaurant up and running. Within a couple of months their business was booming and the restaurant started to expand. Several new places were bought and opened by Mr Shaw and the rest is history.

I guess over the years I worked up a big theory as to why they’d left, when it fact it was actually quite simple. And I always wondered why my father never really said anything about them leaving and now I know that he knew all along why they had gone.

When Kayden was done explaining everything, we stood silently for a while. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to say, so I just told him what he had told me.

“Yep, you were right. It was boring.”

Kayden turned to look at me, a small grin on his lips. “Yeah?”

I nodded and took a sip from my bottle of cola. “It wasn’t that long of a story though.”

“Maybe I exaggerated a bit.” He laughed. “On the plus side though, you didn’t get bored for long.

Chuckling I tilted my head back and emptied the rest of the bottle. Sliding my hand across my mouth, I brought my empty bottle down and saw that Kayden was watching me.

Kayden laughed when he saw my tomato red face.

“Thirsty?” He questioned a smirk plastered on his face.

I lifted my shoulder up slightly in a shrug, “Just a lot.”

“Come on, let’s go in.” Stepping away from the railing, Kayden led the way back inside.

“I’m in the mood for coffee, do you want some?” he asked as we entered the kitchen once again.

Sitting on the same bar stool that I did on before, I nodded. “Coffee is always good.”

Kayden moved over to the other side of the kitchen towards a fancy looking coffee maker and a couple of black mugs. “I remember you used to drink coffee all the time when we were younger.” He chuckled preparing the coffee.

Resting my hands on top of the bar in front of me, I laughed. “My mum used to tell me I would get wrinkles. But I kept drinking it.”

Kayden finished making the coffee and handed me a delicious cup of it. We lapsed into silence for a while, both of us sipping our steaming coffees cautiously whilst also glancing at each other occasionally with small smiles.

I watched as Kayden set his cup aside and looked at me. “So, how did you get here again?” He asked inquisitively. “You were saying something about someone being a detective, but not a detective?”

Chuckling nervously, I set my mug down and ran a hand through my tamed hair. “Uh, yeah. My friend, Mary-”

“Mary, the girl from the school dance?”

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