Chapter 11 - Escaping The Problem.

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Chapter 11

Escaping The Problem.

Even though Mary kept pressing me for answers, I couldn’t seem to pull myself together and give her one.

Mary knew almost everything about my life; she knew my mother was a heavy drinker, she knew my brother was pretty much never there, she knew my dad wasn’t here, but what she didn’t know what why everything was the way it was and about my life before her.

I couldn’t really bring myself to tell her about my father. I’d even told her that I wasn’t ready to talk about him and she seemed to accept my decision. I think.

Now she was aware that there was something that I wasn’t telling her and she wasn’t too happy about it.

The whole time we were in the kitchen she kept demanding me to explain, but I just couldn’t bring myself to tell her.

How was I supposed to tell her all about Kayden? How was I supposed to explain that we were once best friends? That I had secretly watched Kayden grow up in the spotlight through all the magazines he’d been in since he left? How do you explain all that to someone without sounding crazy? I didn’t know and that’s why I didn’t tell her or anyone about him.

The whole weekend and week at school, I tried to avoid Mary’s imposing questions; which isn’t that easy since I have almost every class with her.

I could tell she was getting frustrated with me. But I just didn’t know if I wanted to tell her. She was my best friend so in a way deserved to know the truth.

For years, I’d managed to keep this part of my life a secret.

Luckily, Kayden and I never really associated with anyone but each other during elementary and middle school. So no one really knew about us or our families, since we avoided the limelight.

Kayden’s dad had been a big business man that owned several restaurants and stores across town. He was tall, had brown hair (which I guess Kayden inherited) and plain brown eyes. I remember that a lot of the women used to fawn over him. I guess he was kind of ‘good looking’ – although not as good looking as Ryan Gosling.

Kayden’s Dad always spoke about how he wished to move to California to open up a new upscale restaurant and have my dad help him run it. But this never happened. After a while or so, it just became something we joked about.

I felt someone’s gaze resting on me, and so I looked up in time to see Mary turning to face the front of the class room.

Glancing quickly at the clock, I got ready to escape from the classroom and avoid Mary. As soon as the final school bell rang, I escaped from the classroom and approached my locker.

Fumbling to put in the combination, I opened the locker shoving my subject books into it and then making a beeline for the bus stop.

“Did you really think you could leave without saying anything to me?” Mary said blocking my way.

Glancing behind her, I shrugged and replied. “I wasn’t trying to avoid you if that’s what you’re saying.”

“That’s not what I said, even though you obviously are,” she scolded, her arms crossing over her chest.

“Look,” she continued sighing slightly. “All I’m saying is if you don’t want to talk to me right now about whatever it is you’re not telling me, then don’t. I’m not going to force you to; even though I really want to know what you’re hiding about Kayden.”

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