Chapter 5 - Never Judge A Book By Its Cover.

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Chapter 5

Never Judge A Book By Its Cover

“So what happened?” Mary asked as she guided her red convertible to our destination.

Taking a deep breath, I told her about Lucas; how he appeared at home, and how completely reckless he was.

Mary quietly listened as I continued to tell her about Lucas’ conversation with me. “You know maybe you should give him some space…” Mary said her eyes never wandering away from the road in front. Before I could ask her what she meant she continued.

“I think he’s still trying to cope with your dad’s death.” She said cautiously. “He needs time Saff. He’s not as brave as you.”

Silence fell as Mary continued to drive.

He needs time.

Mary’s words echoed through my mind. He needed time? But how much time would he need? We don’t have enough time. No one ever knows how much time they have and so we’ve got to let go and move on. It’s as simple as that.

“We’re here.” Mary exclaimed.

Breaking away from my thoughts, I found myself gawking at the huge mansion that Mary had pulled up to. Mary was right. Stanley was definitely rich. His house sat atop a small hill, its black iron gates were guarded but left open for easy passage to the ginormous house, and its luscious green acreage was spread out behind.

Driving her convertible through the tall gates, Mary followed the gravel road to the house. As we approached we saw that cars were littered everywhere. The small cement lot and even the grass in front of the mansion were occupied with a vast amount of cars.

Music screamed from inside the huge building, but because of the distance between the houses, I doubt he had any neighbours complaining. The house itself was spectacular. It was coated with dark beige, which made the house look even taller as the shadows flicked up against it; dark Spanish style tiles layered the roof of the house, giving it a fancier look. Lights shone out of the windows, as Mary parked her convertible and we both walked up to the house.

“Wow,” was the word that had escaped from our mouths.

Entering the house, Mary moved away to go find out whether Peter had arrived at the party or not and I hurriedly walked over to the drinks area because everyone seemed to have manoeuvred themselves over to the dance floor. I stood casually, sipping water, which was the only non-alcoholic drink they served and continued to wait for Mary.

“Hey Saffron,” Nelly screamed, her annoyingly high-pitched voice alerting me of her. “I didn’t think you were a party type of person.” She grinned bobbing her head to the sound of the music.

“Never judge a book by its cover.” I shrugged sipping my glass of juice.

“Book? What book?” She screeched, her face looking panicked. “What judge?”

Biting my lip, I struggled not to laugh. Nelly was definitely dumb. I don’t mean it as an insult; it’s just that she actually is dumb. Kind of blonde I’d say.

Before I could even tell her to relax, Jamie appeared out of nowhere and decided to console her.

“Relax Nelly-boo,” Jamie chuckled, as he hugged Nelly.

Nelly, completely forgetting about her previous panic attack turned around and started giggling at Jamie.

She definitely has a short-attention span.

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