8: "And some bolt later on."

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Finals weeks had come around faster than I had hoped. Everything was starting to pile up, and quickly. There was no way to focus long enough to study on one subject. I had tests back to back most days and then a one day break to study for my last final, which unfortunately was on Friday meaning I couldn’t go home early like everyone else was. I didn’t understand how they got this schedule worked out, but it was ridiculous. At least I was going home before Scott.

“Good luck today sweetheart,” I heard a male voice state from behind me. I turned to see Scott behind me with his bag slung over his shoulder, ready to go to study for his finals.

“Thank you,” I stated softly as he leaned down and kissed my cheek.

“I know you will do wonderfully and pass all of them. I will see you once your finals are over.” He said with a smirk, he only had two finals since he had saved some of his general education classes for the end of his college career. They didn’t have finals in them and he graduated in a week.

“I know I won’t see you much this week, but good luck and congratulations on graduating next week. I’m sorry I won’t be able to attend.” I said with a soft smile. His family was still warming up to the idea of us and him having a baby with me. I hadn’t even been able to meet them and I wouldn’t until after Scott graduated.

“Don’t even worry about it. It’s completely fine and I will see you at your house in a week.” He stated as he leaned down and kissed my lips softly before walking out the front door of my apartment.

I felt a genuine smile return to my face as I thought over the kiss. We had started dating soon after he realized we were going to have a baby together. He had moved in with me partially so that he could help me plan for the baby and take care of me. He had managed to find time to located a baby crib, a bath set, and anything I could imagine I would need for the baby.

My parents had helped with the money for it and were even planning a baby shower for when I went home. Despite my efforts to keep the baby’s gender a secret the doctor had accidently let it slip that ‘she’ looked healthy on my last visit and now I knew it was a girl. I hadn’t stopped thinking of baby names, and even Scott was excited for it he had come up with a few on his own and offered to help prepare the nursery for out little girl.

We had to work on our relationship a bit since we had originally been a one night stand, and we had a rough time when I called to tell him I was pregnant and even worse for when we had to go home to see a doctor. Frankly, I was amazed he stood by my side for all of that. I don’t think I would have been able to do it with out him and I don’t know what I would have done if he hadn’t helped make the choice over the baby.

I owed him a lot and was starting to fall for him. He was everything I had wanted in a boyfriend and I knew that he would take care of our daughter the way he was taking care of me.

The baby was due in a little more than a month and I couldn’t wait to meet her. I thought I could feel her kicking, starting to move in her cramped little cell.  I couldn’t wait to see her face, her fingers, her eyes, just her. To see the miracle of life happen would be amazing, except for the pain but I was told I wouldn’t even remember it. The female body had a high threshold of pain and we could forget the pain of childbirth. I guess if we didn’t we would only have one child each, then what would happen to population? We would probably die out or something.

“I heard Scott leave,” Baily said with a smile as she walked into the room to see me rubbing my belly again.

“He did, he has finals and then I will see him again in a week after graduation and finals are all over.”

“That’s good, are you excited to go home in a few days?” She asked making small talk as she packed the last few things into her bag to leave.

“Yes, but I know that’s not what you wanted to say to me. What’s going on in that head of your Baily?” I asked. I knew that when she had an uncomfortable topic to discuss she made small talk. Small talk was unavoidable, but Baily only did that when she had just woken up and not ready to talk to anyone yet.

“Aren’t you worried?” She asked bluntly as she put her bags down and looked me over slowly.

“I’m nervous, but no I’m not worried,” I said as I lightly pat my swollen belly. I was always nervous that I would trip or fall and hurt the baby instead of myself. That was nerve racking since I was clumsy and constantly falling, but I had to get over it and just take care of the child as best as I could.

“I meant about Scott, Kayla” She stated as se crossed her arms awkwardly over her chest.

“What about Scott?”

“Think about it, it’s a little strange how he reacted when you told him you were pregnant and now he’s here all the time. Don’t you think you’re rushing a bit into this? Something isn’t right.”

“He was scared when I told him, and then he came to his senses.” I stated more as if I was trying to convince myself more than her. Baily had unknowingly put my worst fear on the table and even though I could convince myself that it was going to be okay. To convince another person that didn’t need it to be okay, could ruin the protective wall I had built.

“He came around quickly Kayla and you know that. No guy would come around that quickly, some would bolt as soon as they heard the news,” Baily said as she tried not to yell and wake the people below us.

“And some man up and stay with the woman they got pregnant. Scott is just one of those guys.”

“And some bolt later on,” Baily spat as she picked up her bags again and walked toward me. “Someone had to say it Kayla. Be sure to watch Scott, we don’t know him that well. We really only know him how he’s been lately and we don’t know anything about his past. I just want you to be protected, so be prepared for the worse, but hope for the best. I will see you after summer.” She said as she gave me a one armed hug since my belly was too rotund for a normal hug and left the apartment.

I stood there for a moment thinking over everything she had said. Baily was one of my best friends, she was the best roommate and housemate I had ever had and I trusted her with everything in me. I just didn’t want to believe her warning could be true. I wanted Scott to be the man I thought he was, but Baily had a point. I was so blinded because of the news I wasn’t preparing for what could happen. What if Scott didn’t want to stay? What if he wanted out and didn’t want to tell me? What if he just left?

I shook my head lightly to get rid of those thoughts. I knew Scott, we had been together for two months now. I knew the kind of man he was and he would stay by my side. He was dedicated to me and the baby, he had gotten all the stuff that the baby would need for a while and all that was left was the little things like diapers and formula. He was going to stay otherwise he wouldn’t be so dedicated to preparing for the baby’s quickly approaching arrival. He was going to stay and I just knew it.

I had to believe that he was going to for my sanity’s sake, but something dark was coming. I could feel it. I just hoped that it was a dark cloud that would pass before any damage could be done.

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