Chapter 11

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                  * At kirito's house *

  Kirito helped me off the motorcycle , and we walked into his house . His house always gave me a homie feeling you . " Sugu I'm home . " kirito said . " I'm in here big brother . " Sugu yelled from the kitchen . I smelt food , and then I ran for the hall bathroom . I fell to my knees again , and I puked in the toilet . I heard kirito yell and I heard him run to the bathroom I was , he got behind me and rubbed my back as he held my hair . After the inside of my throat felt like it was burning , I stopped . Well the puking stopped .
" Raven you okay? " kirito asked . " Fine , I'm alright . Just a bit sick . " I lied . Everything is not fine , I'm f*cking pregnant . And in real life . To make matters worse .

I got up , and I flushed it . I sat on the toilet and kirito was looking at me ; oh sh*t , I'm so totally screwed . " Rave , are you really okay? " he asked . I saw look in his eyes . Concern , worry , and love . Should I tell him? Well of course I do . He deserves to know . I unzipped the jacket , and I stood up . He looked at me . And he looked at my stomach , he saw the bump . He then looked at me , I broke down into tears . He hugged me and I cried into his shoulder .

" I'm so sorry , I'm so so sorry kazuto . " I cried . He rubbed my back and I cried , I didn't mean to ruin his life like this . I don't know if I can do this , I can't . " Raven it's gonna be okay . " he said . " No it's not , we can't handle this in the real world . Maybe in the virtual world , but not here! We're too young kazuto! " I cried . " Raven look , look , it's okay . We can figure this out  I promise we can . " he said . He tried to calm me down . And after a few minutes , I did . I calmed down . But he just held me in his arms ; my face in his shoulder . 

" It's gonna be okay , we'll figure it out . " he said . A small smile found a way to my lips , and it stayed there .

                  * An hour later *

  I was laying on kirito's bed with him , I was laying on his chest . He had his hand on my bump caressing it , and I smiled . He's gonna be a good father , I just know it . " Well I guess this means I'll be a dad in both real and virtual world . " kirito said . " Yeah , but we don't know about in virtual yet though . " I said . " True . " he said . I giggled . " And you know renee is probably gonna kill you for this . " I said . " I know . " he sighed . I giggled again . " So hey , who do you think we should let be the godparent? " he asked . I'm not sure , I haven't even thought about godparents . I wasn't even sure about anything about this .

But if I were to pick , and be honest and not pick favorites . It had to be ... sinon . " Sinon . " I said . " Why sinon? " he asked . " Well , I thought about it for a while , I didn't pick favorites and I was honest . " I said . " Good , we'll I guess we tell sinon tommorow . " he said . " Or we could tell her today , I mean everyone knows now that your pregnant . " he said . " True . " I said .
" Well we could give her a call , and we could tell her . " he said . " Okay , but who calls her? " I asked . " Well your the one pregnant , not me . " he said .

" Yeah but I'm the pregnant one who is carrying your child , and who is your girlfriend/wife who can hurt you . " I threatened . He gave off a scared expression , and I glared slightly . Wow , I really scare him . I giggled .
" Alright , I'll call her . " he sighed . He got his phone and dialed sinon's number . It rang . After about 2 or 3 rings , she answered .

" Hey . " she said . " Hey sinon , I've got some news for you . Well both me and raven have news for you . " he said . " News? " she asked . " Yeah , good news too . " kirito said . " What is it? " she asked . " Well you know how raven's pregnant in real life right? " he asked . " Yes? " she said questionable in her tone . " Well the baby has to have godparents . " kirito said . " What about it? " she asked . " Me and raven thought , and then we decided . Your the baby's godmother . " he said . There was a long pause for a few minutes .

" Me? " she asked . But I could here the happiness in her voice , and it made me smile . " Yeah , we didn't pick favorites and we decided . " he said . " Thanks , it makes me happy . And I'm excited to meet the litt - " " It's twins . " he cut her off . " Twins?! " she pratically yelled . " Yeah , it's suprising I know . " he said . I giggled . " Well ... thanks , I'm honored to be the godmother . " she said . I could hear the happy in her voice , it made me smile . Kirito ended the call , and I snuggled to him again . I felt him rub the bump .

I smiled and closed my eyes , I loved this feeling . And I couldn't help but smile from it . Okay , now that everyone knows now to just wait .

          * Later in ALO / At cabin *

    I got in the room , and I hears the others downstairs . Well ... it's been over 24 hours , so maybe it worked? I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror . I looked at myself in the mirror . I lifted my shirt up over my stomach , and I looked . Hm .. I don't see anything . Well maybe if I look at my menu it will tell me? I opened my menu , and I saw right by my health status . It read

Health status : Healthy

Percent : 100%

Other status : Pregnant

Weeks : 9 weeks in

Month define : 2 months in

I almost fell to my knees . Oh . My . God . I'm pregnant . Again . Well technically 1st time in virtual , but it still counts . I look at my stomach again , and there was a fairly slight curve . Well , kirito was right , he's gonna be a dad in both virtual and real life . I smiled and put my hand on the bump , I could feel the little life . I went back to my menu , and I saw the baby's health .

Health status : Healthy

Percent : 100

Heartbeat status : Strong

Gender : Unknown ( will be known at 3 months )

Name : Unknown ( will be known when named )

Well at least I know he or she is healthy , wait can I hear the heartbeat? I go back to menu , and there's a button for heartbeat that says 'listen' . I pressed it , and then I heard it . A loud strong heartbeat . I almost started crying , it was a beautiful thing to hear . And I just wanted to keep listening to it . But I pressed it to stop , and then I went downstairs . I saw everyone , and there was erika . She jumped from klein's arms to mine . " Mommy! " she giggled . I picked her up and laughed .
" Hi sweetie . " I smiled . I saw kirito , renee and the whole gang . 

" Well glad you finally showed up , even kirito made it before you . And he had to bring you home . " renee said . " Well sorry , but I wanted to get a drink . " I retorted . She sighed , and erika looked at me . Her face turned serious for a moment , and she looked up at me . " What is it erika? " I asked . She hugged me tight , and I looked confused and so did the others . " Erika what it is? " kirito asked as he walked to us . " I hear a heartbeat that isn't mommy's . " she whispered to kirito . Kirito looked at me , and then he looked at my menu .

His hand went to his mouth to cover a gasp , and then he put it away as looked at me . " Is this ... " he trailed off . " Yes .. it is . " I said smiling . He hugged me immediately , and I hugged back . " What the hell is going on? " klein asked . " Yeah , I'm way confused . " renee said . " Me too , and i'm the closest to you three . " lisbeth said . " I'm pregnant . " I said . I showed them my menu , and a huge smile made its way to renee's face .
" Oh my god rave . " she said . She hugged me , and then the rest of the others clapped while telling me and kirito congrats .

Someone finally explained to erika what it meant , and her face lit up .
" I'm gonna be a big sister! " she cheered happily . The big smile on her face , told me that she was excited . I was excited too . " Now everyone listen to this . " I said . I played the heartbeat , and there was that a front beautiful heartbeat that I heard not to long ago . And I just about cried from happiness , kirito looked like he was gonna fall to his knees . I saw everyone's reaction . They were happy , and renee was crying with happy tears .

I felt kirito place his hand on my stomach , and he listened to the heartbeat as caressed the slight curved bump . I couldn't hold in all my happiness . I let the happy tears fall from my cheek , and I just couldn't believe it .

I was gonna be a mother in both virtual and real world ...


A Sword Art Online Love Story Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu