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          As Link and I approached the Skyview Temple, it was perfect symmetry. How the trees lined up perfectly on the sides, the statues slightly in front of them, with the stone staircase leading up to the temple, with overgrown moss crawling up the sides. The wind slightly roared, as we walked up the stairs leading to the golden door with decorated with green, blue, and purple in the middle part as well as the bottom edges. Link wandered around the door looking for something  to open the door with. I looked up seeing a reddish pink gem in individual pieces instead of wasting my ammo I call Link over, "Hey Link, so um I think you gotta use your slingshot on the gem above us. Your ammo is kinda easy to get so I don't wanna chance damaging one of mine." I smiled as sweetly as I could in chances of persuading him. His face slightly tinted a light shade of pink, as I just chuckled and gestured for him to continue.

          He hit the gem perfectly in the middle as gem broke into pieces somehow staying in place around the silver it hung from. The perfect magenta color slowly turned into a lifeless gray. As we walked in the forest smell was stronger than before. It smelt like it was about to rain though that would be impossible seeing as we were inside. It was so beautiful, I was once again in awe at how beautiful this world is. It was dim with beautifully blue glowing mushrooms in a variety of sizes. Tree branches and leaves were on the ceiling hanging down making it that much more pleasing. Blue glowing lights were floating around I tried touching one, but it slowly disappeared before I could feel the texture and study it. 

         With a pout I noticed Link wasn't beside me anymore which made me a tad bit unsteady. I walked forward noticing that a few trees had been cut down as well as spider webs. "He ditched you my Queen." I heard a deep and princely voice with a slight accent. What if he did ditch me? Leave me to die so I wouldn't be in the way of him and Zelda, maybe this was his plan all along. Surely Zelda would want to come back for me right? She seemed friendly. "Come to me my love." Said another deep whisper making my skin crawl as it felt that it was right in my ear. I turned around slowly to see if I could catch anyone there without them being alarmed. To my disappointment as well as my relief there was no one there. I turned back around calling Link's name.

          After about an hour of helplessly wondering around,  I found myself in a large room with spiders hanging down and a golden door in the middle of a column in the middle of the room. "Y/N! Where are you?!" I heard a panicked voice yell much similar to Link's. "Link? I'm over here!" I was looking around when I feel a pair of muscular arms around around my waist from behind, they picked me up and swung me from side to side. "Y/N!! I'm so glad you're okay! I thought you died! You ARE okay right? You're not hurt? Just because I would get blamed for it not-" I cut him off by laughing hysterically. "Yes I'm perfectly fine, and here I thought you didn't care and you ditched me." I said smirking at his flushed face.

         "Hmph I wasn't worried. Anyway I found this puzzle piece I think it goes in the door right there. Fi said 'there's a high possibility Zelda is in there.' So let's go." He said in a terrible imitation of Fi. "Oh! I also got this beetle thingy." He held up an object in the shape of a beetle it was golden on the outer parts, then green in the middle parts. I wanted to ask how it worked, but he looked so proud of himself that I didn't want to ruin his fun by asking a question he might not know the answer to. He tried putting the key in shape of a puzzle piece in the door, but at the angles he was putting it in wouldn't work. I gently took it from him flipped it over, and put it in the keyhole giving him a smirk. He playfully rolled his eyes as he walked in with me following closely behind.

          When we walked in the door immediately closed with bars on the doors so we couldn't get out. As we walked in farther I noticed a silver skinned man with bleached hair, under his eyes were a purple undertone matching his not fully blackened eyes, he had full white lips, was extremely tall compared to my Y/H height, his pointed ears had blue diamond earrings hanging down similar to the gem outside and throughout the temple, he had a red cape the neckline going up to his ears, the sides of the cape were cut off for his arms while the middle part stayed, under the cape appeared to be a white outfit I couldn't see clearly.

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