Faron Woods

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          I nodded as Link gave me an outfit similar to his. It had a green hood, white top, orange shorts with a black buckle, leather gloves, and leather knee high boots. He threw a bag onto the bed "Look through that, and take what you want." I nodded as he left the room for me to change. I pulled out a large compass, a crossbow, and a dagger. I secured my weapons to my belt after I changed putting the compass on my neck it fell below my triforce necklace. 

          I opened the door to see Link look over at me. He nodded in approval and gestured for me to follow him. We stopped at a wooden dock that was placed around Skyloft. He grabbed my hand, ran, and jumped. I closed my eyes once again waiting for the impact that would never come. I felt soft feathers beneath me, wind blowing through my H/C hair. 

          He jumped down after a green light. I mindlessly followed. He pulled out his sailcloth as the soft golden light appeared around me once more. As our feet touched the ground a woman with purple and blue attire came out of Link's sword. I jumped as she said "Master I sense dark energy coming from that pedestal. We should approach with caution. Goddess it would be best if you stay here." Before I could say anything she went back into the sword as Link Jumped down into the crater. As he approached a dark aura surrounded him. Before I knew it he was beside me again and walking into a building.

          He slowly walked up to a elderly lady. "Hello Link, Y/N. I have been awaiting your arrival. I believe Ghirahim had taken Zelda by mistake, for he was looking for a goddess. That would be you Y/N." I looked at her as if she was insane. How could that be me? Would I have to save everyone? I can't do that I'm just one woman. Though it would explain the warm golden light. I had so many questions, but chose to ignore her comment. "Would you happen to know where Zelda is Miss?" I had asked. She chuckled and nodded "Here I have marked where you need to go on this map." We thanked her and walked out of the rather large doors that she has pointed us to. 

         My breath hitched at  the stunning scenery in front of me. As I was in awe out of the corner of my eye I noticed Link staring at me with a small smile. I felt my face get slightly warm as I coughed and started walking forward. I heard someone screaming for help so on instinct I ran forward with link following behind. There were about six monsters that were red with odd weapons clutched in their hands. I slowly snuck up behind the closest one and stabbed it in the back. I swiftly moved to take out another while shooting one in the head with my crossbow. When I looked back Link was fighting off the last one when he was done they all disappeared leaving monster parts on the ground.

          The man turned out to be a Goron from my mother's stories. "Woah thanks for jumping in there and rescuing me kid. I would've been dead if you hadn't come when you did. Miss may I say you're very skilled, have you done this before?" I smiled and shook my head "No, my body just kinda moved on it's own. Are you okay?" He chuckled with a small nod. "I owe you guys a big thanks for helping mes, so let me tell you something fascinating." He pointed to a medium bird statue with it's wings folded down. He walked over to it with us following close behind.

          "Hey bud my name is Gorko the Goron. I'm researching the ancient history of these woods here. According to the ancient text, there is some kind of place above called the Isle of the Goddess. Far up in the Sky! Apparently, these old statues serve as a landmark for those traveling up into the sky or down from the Isle of the Goddess place. They are rumored to be quite useful. Supposedly this statue is special, as it is said to have the ability to activate all the other statues." I looked at the statue and walked up to it and placed to fingers on the body of the bird. It started to glow purple and yellow. Link and Gorko looked at me in shock as I just smiled and headed towards our destination Link soon following behind after saying goodbye to the Goron.

          We soon found two more of those red monsters I shot one in the head while Link took down the other. "You know we make a great team Y/N" I shrugged and walked to a patch of grass that seemed to be whining. As Link and I walked up to it, it seemed to look up. "Huh? It's gone quiet." It said with a very high pitched voice. It stood up and looked at us. "Kwee-Koo! Now there's green ones! I didn't even know they came in green! Don't hurt me Koo-Weep!" It had stated before running on top of a small hill. Fi came out of her Sword, "Master I picked up a highly interesting spike in dowsing readings from the creature we just encountered."

          Both mine and Link's ears perked up "Zelda?" We had said at the same time. She shook her head, and began again. "The probability of this life-form being Zelda is 5%, so I must conclude that this is, in fact, not Zelda but a peaceful forest creature known as a Kikwi. Kikwis are highly intelligent beings, capable of speech. Yes, upon further observation..... Clearly not Zelda. You should follow the creature and investigate this phenomenon." She stated as she went back into the sword. I rolled my eyes as we trudged up the hill every now and the sinking down. When we got up we constantly chased the small Kikwi around a clearing when a few giant mushrooms and trees, before finally being able to talk to it on a patch of grass that had a few trees on it, surrounded by dirt.

          As we slowly walked up to it once again it started shaking. "Kwee! They spotted me again..... So you're not going to... eat me... Kwee... And to think of it you fought off those monsters. Thanks for saving me! I think you're okay, even though you look scary. My name is Machi! A little while go I ran into another funny animal like you guys, but it was another girl." I yelled "Zelda! Do you know where she is?" Machi looked taken aback but quickly recovered. "What's a Zelda? I don't know who that girl is, but she looked like she was in allot of trouble when I saw her. A bunch of those red guys were after her, but she escaped with the Elder." Fi then jumped out of the sword scarring Machi. "Master it seems that Zelda had escaped her capture, but is still in danger. We must go find the Elder." 

          After she had went back into the sword I apologized to Machi for Fi scarring her/him. After saying goodbye to Machi we made our way to the Elder. I ended up tripped on a tree trunk with Link catching me with my crimson face. He laughed and continued up to the Elder. We had to find all the the rest of the Kikwis after that, he gave Link a slingshot. He pointed us in the direction of the temple. 

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