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          As the bright light faded, my stomach dropped as I felt myself falling. White fabric surrounded me as I closed my eyes waiting for impact. Instead a warm feeling grazed my soft skin while the drop in my stomach was no longer there. When I opened my eyes a soft golden light surrounded me as I was in the upright position. My feet which had golden heels on them had touched the ground. I was in front of some sort of statue, when I turned around there were people looking at me when fear and wonder. A man who fit the description of Link appeared in front of me with a sailcloth tightly in his hands. "Who are you?" He bluntly asked.  

          A look of confusion washed over my face as I crossed my arms, "I should be asking you that! Actually better question, where am I?" Suddenly a girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes who fit the character Zelda. She looked me over and smiled "Hi! My name is Zelda, this is Link. Are you a goddess? Your dress is very pretty so is your hair! Can I touch it? Oh! How did you get here if you don't know where you are?" I mentally rolled my eyes. How can one person be this energetic?

         "Well I-" before I could finish a old man came over and smiled, "Hello miss, would you mind if we talked in private?" I nodded as Zelda grabbed my hand saying something about being 'besties' and mumbling incoherently. She opened a door and rushed up some stairs, and opened another before I could comprehend what was happening. It was a sicking pink room with pillows all over. Soon the two males entered the room. "Miss could you tell me your name?" The older one spoke. I nodded "Y/N. Now would you mind telling me where I am?" 

          He chuckled before replying, "You're in Skyloft Miss. How did you get here if you don't mind me asking" Should I answer him? What if this is just a prank? Am I high? I don't recall taking anything. Did I turn the stove off? I must have taken too much time thinking as he coughed in an urging manner. "Well I was just walking around, when I saw something sparkling as I went to investigate I got pulled into a door. Now I'm wearing weird clothes and in a sicking pink room." I said bluntly.

          He nodded as Zelda pouted at the pink room remark. Link just stared not saying a word. "Oh! Father! Can she stay in my room while she's here? Pleaaaasseeeeee?" Zelda asked in a high pitched tone making me cringe I gave him a pleading look. "Of course she can stay with you Zelda." He said with a closed eyed smile. I rolled my eyes and walked out needing fresh air. I walked towards a lake with a small smile. I sat down and took my shoes off putting my feet into the water, closing my eyes as I sighed. 

          I felt another presence next to me. Opening my eyes I saw Link with a small smile. "Zelda might be annoying at first, but she has good intentions." Before I could reply I heard Zelda yelling in the background. "Link! Link! Link! Let's go fly around Skyloft now okay? Oh Y/N do you want to come with?" I smiled politely and shook my head. She giggled and took link by the hand running towards a wooden dock. I decided I needed some sleep so I walked back towards where the academy I'm assuming if this is the land my mother spoke about. 

           Walking into the room she had led me to I saw a F/C bed opposite of Zelda's. I took no time into falling onto the bed. I woke up to someone shaking me. Opening my eyes I saw Link in a green hat and tunic. "Y/N Zelda has been taken. Would you mind coming with me to save her?"  

Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword X Reader (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now