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·Kai's POV·

I don't know why I decided to go with her. She just looked so lost in that moment that I felt like I had to do something.

... and to be honest... I really didn't like the idea that she would be away for a while. And yes I literally just met her but I don't know... I felt attached? God I sound like a pussy, the thought of being attached to a girl makes me shiver, I never want to feel that way. It's like loosing all your dignity.

-New York-

We are in a taxi right now, on our way to a hotel whilst Rosanna is sleeping with her head on my shoulder. I feel like I need to push her head off of my shoulder but I don't want to... is that weird? I would never let a girl lay her head on me, not even Kilia.

Through out the airport, flight and car rides, blah blah blah, we make small talk and... actually she's not that bad, surprising right? And I have become very fond of her smile and dimples on her cheeks that makes me want to poke them every time they show but I don't obviously.

"All right we are here maan" the taxi driver announces, I swear he's high or something but damn I counted like no less that 20 times he almost crashed. Now that's not what we need.

"Alright, thanks. Keep the change" I reply as I hand him the money. I probably shouldn't have given him more because he is likely to go spend it on boos or whatever the hell he's on. My attention goes straight to Rosanna when she stirs awake, blinking a couple times before she lifts herself off of my shoulder. I don't know why but I just hated that feeling of the loss of contact with her. I almost reach out and grab her head to lean on my shoulder again but I don't.

"Wha- were here?" She asks, sounding like a little puppy.

I answer with a short yup and get out of the car and go to close the door but realise that she is getting out of my side and the realisation of me almost hitting her with the door makes me cringe.

"Oh uh sorry I didn't kno-" I start.

"No it's fine" she cuts me off and out of the corner of my eyes I see an eye roll from her, making the curves of my mouth lift slightly. She never stops to surprise me, even on the side walk in New York. Now that's something I never thought would happen to me.

"C'mon lets get a room" I say and reach my hand out for her. She just looks at it then at me with those eyes. God damn.
After her mental battle about weather or not she wants to take my hand, she takes it and I feel electric currents flow through my whole body, ending at me toes.
We both freeze and look at our hands joined together. Okay wow, I didn't expect that, and I know she felt it too.

·Rosanna's POV·

I lay half asleep on the coach, waiting, waiting and waiting for him to show up. He has been gone for 7 hours now. But I still wait for his drunken ass to get home. It's not the first time this has happened.

Suddenly I hear rustling from outside the house, I know it's him. My heart accelerates in my chest. I try to put my hand on the spot to relieve this sensation but it doesn't go away no matter how hard or fast I try I rub the area, it just doesn't.

The door slams open and he walks in like the fudging king.

My eyes widen at the state of him. Blood is every where, sweat clinging onto his body, his knuckles are bleeding and his whole face looks as if it has been beaten completely, I have never seen him this bad.

I rush up to help him but he looks at me like I'm some gum in his shoe. My worried eyes linger on the damage done before resting on his cold eyes and then all I see is red.

"Are you kidding me! How many times have I waited for you! How many?! Every damn night!" I shout in his face whilst jabbing my fingers in his chest.

"Don't wait up for me then" he sneers. And it's never good when he sounds calm, and this is as calm as he will ever get. The calm before the storm is what's happening right now.

"Are you serious?" My voice drops and I start to back up.

"Don't back away from me!" He shouts whilst taking longs strides towards me with authority. I back up again but hit the wall with a thud.

"Don't ever f*cking back away from me ever! Your hear me!? Ever!" He shouts, spit flying every where and the next thing I know is a fist and darkness.

"Rosanna! Rosanna!" I hear a familiar voices shouting beside me. I recognise it to be Kai with his hands cradling my face.

I gasp for breath and sit up immediately with drops of sweat running down my forehead.

"Rosanna! God are you okay? What just happened?" he says his voice full of panic and his eyes filled with concern.

"Um uh- I don't wanna talk about it" I croak out.

"It's okay, you don't have to" he replies whilst stroking my hair... lovingly?

"Just wait a second" he says and then I hear shuffling and the sound of furniture moving.

"Wha-" I say but stop when he shushes me. The next thing I know is the other single bed being pushed against mine. The only hotel room left available was one with two single beds.

"There, now you have me to cling onto when you get another nightmare" he says with a wink and a cocky smirk.

"Shut up" I reply with a giggle.

"Oh but I made giggle!" He says with a proud grin and shuffles to go and hug me and the last thing I hear before I drift off is no funny business, I promise.


I hope you guys liked this one! It's definitely taking a different turn at the moment. Far from her little paradise.
I just also what to say how excited I am to see this story getting more attention (over 300 views!! Ohhh maa gawd) even though it is not much but it still makes me giddy. Hehe.

I love you!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2017 ⏰

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