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·Kai's POV·

"Eyes up here Kai" I hear Rosanna say and seeing a smirk when I finally look up to her beautifu- normal... completely normal eyes... yeah.

"Uhh yeah sorry I jus- I just thought I saw something on your- you know what, never mind..." I replied awkwardly whilst waving my finger around as Rosanna just laughed; sounding like music to my ears.

"Hey come join!" Rosanna yells with a cheeky smile on her face.

(2 hours later)

Rosanna and I are completely soaked with the realisation that we have no towels and that Kilia is nowhere to be seen. She left like twenty minutes ago annoyed because apparently we splashed her too much.

"I thought you two would never stop. Here are your towels as well..." Kilia appears with two towels as she drops them just were we are getting out.

"Thanks so much Ki Ki" Rosanna says as she gets out with a great view of her ass for me and grabs her towel whilst giving a kiss to Kilia's cheek.

"Ki Ki?" I question for the strange nickname.

"Yes it's cute shut up" Rosanna replies whilst splashing me, making me completely wet.

"Oh you didn't just do that" I say whilst slowly approaching her with a cheesy smirk.

Rosanna starts stepping away as I grab her and swing her on top of my shoulder, my face dangerously close to her ass... and may I just say... damn damn damn!
She squeaks adorably whilst slapping her hands against my back and then all of a sudden I feel a stinging shock run through my left ass cheek. Uh oh she has it coming. I slap her ass as she shouts hey!

"What was that for!" Rosanna huffs.

"You slapped my ass so I slapped yours... simple" I say casually.

"You can't blame me, it was tempting" she says.

"Same" I reply with a chuckle and I throw her off and she lands in the sea with a scream whilst I just watch and laugh.

Rosanna is actually a really nice, cool, fun, jolly, real, beautiful, gorgeous, amazing, perfe-

"Yooo helloo" Rosanna says whilst waving her hand in front of my face with a faint smile on her face.

"You guys are soooo cute!" We hear Kilia say with her hands against her cheeks in awe.

I almost choke on my spit as Rosanna's face goes red like a tomato... now that's cute... but not us... wait... us?

"Kaiiiii are you seriously alright? You keep spacing out" Rosanna says with concern in her angelic voice.

"Spacing out with the thought of you" Kilia says as she puts her arm round Rosanna as they walk through to her house... well that's not wrong.

·Rosanna's POV·

After lunch and Kai is back home. Kilia and I walk along the coast talking about the most random things.

"Rosanna can you tell me about your past?" Kilia question... and you know she's serious when she asks with your full name.
"I get it if your not ready it's jus-"

"I'll tell you..." I cut her off as we sit down on a bench looking out to the ocean.

I take a deep breath realising that I am going to tell the first only person what happened with him and my past.

"I was born in London as a twin. My sister is called Melanie. My mum is spanish and my dad is British. They met when he went to Spain for a holiday and my mum was a waitress and spilt red wine all over my dads white suite." I laugh at the memory before continuing. "When I was 15 my family and I moved to New York as my dad got a great business deal with Williamson industries"i cringe at the name..."I also got a job offer by Mr Williamson when I was 18 and have worked there ever since but Mr Williamson and I became a thing. Him and I would always sneak around stealing kisses from one another. He would treat me like a queen... but I guess I wasn't the only queen.
I would sometimes ask why we weren't aloud to show any PDA or make our relationship official. But I found out when I entered his office one day and saw him banging my so called "best friend" Latisha. He always said he liked his girls Latina... but I guess I wasn't Latina enough because she was and still is gorgeous with lovely dark smooth looking skin... both her parents were spanish but her dad with some Mexican. She was perfect really. No flaws. Apart from a stone heart.
Whilst being with Mr Williamson he became stressed a lot which led to angriness. He became controling and when he got angry... he got violent.
After an incident I left with no trace... at least I thought, and came to Hawaii. My life long dream was to be here. I used to dream of it as a child..."
I cried as I was hugged by Kilia.

"Sshh it's okay, I love you, you know. Thank you for letting me in" She smiled at me. I'm so glad I met her.


Bbbbr bbbbr

I feel the vibration on my thigh as I walk with Kilia and Kay back to mine after our dinner.

"Sorry hold on guys" I say as I step back and take my phone out of my short pocket.

Without looking at the ID I answer it.

"Hello?" I ask

"Rosanna?" I hear Tiffany ask. Great.

"Yup that's me" I say, pooping the p.

"Well you need to come to New York wether you like it or not, you have no choice if you want to quit you have to bring your notice in personally" Tiffany says in a strong voice. Yay, like I'm gonna do that.

"Sorry Tiff but there is absolutely no way that is happening" I say back.

"Okay! So I'll let Mr Williamson know that you're still working and will be expected ooon, hmmm monday?" She says in a cheerful voice, damn I'm not gonna be able to get my way around this.

"Fine! Fine! I'll be there tomorrow alright!" I say in a huff.

"What was that about?" Kilia asks as I catch up with them.

"Um I have to go to New York to hand in my notice" I say meekly.

"On your own?!" Kilia says in disbelief. Uh oh

"Uhhh... yeah?" I say back, my voice getting higher. Stupid voice.

"I am not letting you go on your own Rosanna!" Ki Ki yells. Damn she used my full name.

"Well can't you come with me then" I say.

"Anna I can't you know that, I have a cafe to run" she replies.

"I'll come with you"


I hope you liked it!
There was a lot going on but I hope it wasn't too cringe worthy loool.
I live in England and I cannot remember the last time it was sunny and guess what... it was sunny af! Yay but no I couldn't go out because I'm ill!

I love you!


(1188 words)

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