They both have different styles that are really cute, but they put together and outfit in both of there styles and it couldn't be more perfect. ( MaKenna called dibs on my makeup and Perrie was doing my hair. (

"I love it! Girls it's perfect!" They smile at the end of their work. "Well is he picking you up or are we taking you over there?" I shrug. "I'm not sure I think he'd pick me up, but I'm not sure."

"I can find out!" Kenna yells and pulls her phone out. Typing in on the screen. Seconds later it vibrates. "He said picking her up, what kind of question is that?" I giggle. "Just tell him alright,and that I wanted to know since you're with me." She nods, typing what I said. "He said he'll drop me off." I nod. "Okay, now we wait."

We sat in my room chatting about everything for about 20 minutes. When I heard an knock on the door. I heard talking downstairs I'm guessing my mom or dad answered the door. "Alyssa!" My mom hollers for me. I get up and walk out and see Louis standing there with his head down and his hands in his pockets. "Hey Louis!" I say as he looks up. "Uh where's Kenna? I sorta gotta take her home."

"Right I'll get her." I run up to my room telling the girls they had to leave. We all walk downstairs, Perrie taking her keys out. "Hey Lou I can take her home if you want then you guys can just leave." Perrie states. Louis puts on a thinking face. "Uh, I don't know." He says worried. "Lou. I'm your best friends girlfriend please just trust me. I'll make sure she's safe."

"Okay but if anything happens it's on you and I don't think I could forgive you." He says sternly. She waves him off. "Stop pestering me I'm a good driver, she will get home without scratches." She starts walking out when Louis calls her. "Hey Pez!" She turns. "Can you.. I don't know this is a lot I'm asking, but can you watch the girls tonight?" She nods. "Yea, any specific reason?" He nods. "Yes but I'm sure you know this reason." She gives him a questioning look. He goes and whispers something in her ear and she makes an 'oh' sound. "Yeah, I'll watch them tonight. I think I remember their times from last time." He mumbles a 'thanks'. Once she leave Lou and I walk out the door to his car. "Did I tell you how lovely you look?" He states. "No you didn't, but I just threw this on."

"I'm sure you did, why didn't you stay in what you were in before?" I shrug. "I'm a girl with a boyfriend, I have a reason to get pretty." I say. "Well you don't have to for me." I smile. "I don't. I do it cause I want to. Sort of a present for you." I say. He chuckles and kisses me softly. "Let's get going alright?" He says opening my door for me and letting me get in. Then he opens his and turn the radio on just for background sound.

"Lou, are you okay?"

"Yeah, just thinking about tonight, and the girls. I need to know if they are safe." I rub his arm telling him to calm down. "Hey, the girls will be fine Perrie's with them they will be alright."

"That's not what's bothering me." He states. "You want to talk about it?" I ask. "No, I want tonight to be about us, not my crappy life." I'm a little taken back but this statement. It hurt just a little. I stay quiet and look out the window. "What's wrong? Did I say something." I shake my head. "Nothing, like you said tonight is about us not your crappy life." He sighs. "Alyssa, please if I said something tell me."

"It's nothing, just me over reacting." I say. He puts his hand on my leg with his eyes on the road. "What are your over reacting about?" He says calmly. I take a deep breath. "It's just when you said your crappy life I took it to heart cause I'm apart of your 'crappy' life."

"I didn't mean it that way love, I'm sorry."

"I know you didn't, like I said, I was over reacting." I say. "Now can you tell me where we are going?"

Jerk Theory (Punk Louis Tomlinson)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant