The New Person

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   "Live, live I say!" I shouted to my stomach as I found some food. Haven't eaten for days, and this can of beans is not really helping. But, food is food. "You know what voices, I should go look for a group of survivors. Shouldn't I?"
   No response again. "I guess I will. But I need to look for supplies. I only have a hockey mask, and this machete." I said as I lifted myself off the dusty, creaky floor. I looked at my surroundings, and only saw the tenement that this house is.
   As I walked slowly to the damp door, I heard a rustle. "Who's there?" Great I thought after, just shout to a demon that I'm here. So I creeped to the spot that the rustle elevated from. I lifted my machete, ready to strike the beast.
   "Stop! Please don't hurt me." A girl's voice shouted out. I then lowered my weapon, and said "Who are you?"
   "My name's Jessica. Can you help me?" She said. "I guess. Get up." I told her as she lifted herself up. "Well, if we're going to live, we have to find a better place." I told her as walked out the door.
   "What's your name?" She asked, but me still getting used to voices said "You should already know."
   "I don't know who you are." Jessica said.
   "Oh. Sorry. I thought you were one of the voices that in my head." I instantly saw that was a bad thing to say.
   "Ignore that. Let's just look for some food. My tummy still hurts." I said as I led the way down the road.

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