Chapter 3 - Times are Tough

Start from the beginning

"I knowwwww mom. Can Marco come?" Stars says in a weary voice.

Moon thinks for second before answering her. "Sure, Marco is welcome to come. I have no worries that Marco will behave. He may even be a good influence on you." Moon smirks.

"Thank you Thank you Thank you! And I promise to behave myself." Star says smiling.

"Ok, that is all Star. I'll see you there. It's will be at 7:00 pm. Understood?"

"Yes mom, I gotta go tell Marco bye!" Star hangs up and runs to Marco's room yelling his name over and over. She runs in and Marco isn't there. She runs downstairs and finds him making Nachos in the kitchen.

"Hey Star! I know it's kinda early in the day but I saw this awesome movie and I thought you might want to watch it with me? I'm making Nachos!" Marco says.

"Uhhh duh. But anyway, my dad is having a birthday 'get-together' on Saturday, and I want you to come with me! I have to go and it'll be nice having a friend there." Star says with a giant smile.

Marco doesn't want to turn Star down, she's his best friend, but he has plans with Jackie. "Uhhhh, sure, what time?" Marco thinks about what he just did, now he is gonna have to cancel someone.

"Awesome! It's at 7:00 pm! I'm looking forward to it! Now c'mon!" Star grabs his hand as Marco grabs the nachos. "Let's watch this movie."

           Marco spends the whole movie thinking about what to do with Star and Jackie. He doesn't want to ditch Jackie, but he feels obligated to. Marco then gets the idea to just tell Jackie he forgot about the party and that he already promised Star he would go with her. By the end of the movie, Marco looks over and see's Star fast asleep on the couch. It wasn't really that late, she must have just had a long day. Anyway, he grabs his phone to call Jackie and walks to his room while it's ringing. As he enters his room she picks up.

"Hey Marco."

"Hey Jackie..."

"Uhhh is everything alright? You sound a little upset." Jackie says confusingly

"Well, you know how we had that date planned for Saturday?"

"Yea...? Don't tell me this has something to do with Star." Jackie sounded angry when she said that.

Marco panics and doesn't know what to say. "No, of course not, it's just, I'm really looking forward to it."

"Oh... Uhh, alright?" Jackie chuckles, wondering why he called to say that.

"Well, look, I gotta run. I'll see you at school." Marco hangs up quickly and panics because of what he said. He thinks to himself, "what was I thinking! Ugh, I should've just told Jakcie the truth, no, I should've told Star the truth! Ughhhh, now what's?" Marco jumps when he hears Star say his name.

"Marco? Everything ok?"

"Yea I... I just have a lot on my mind right now."

Star knows Marco better than anyone, so she can pretty easily tell that somethings wrong. However, she doesn't want to pressure him. If he didn't want to talk about it, then she didn't want him to snap at her for confronting him. "Alright, I was just making sure. Sorry I slept through the the movie."

"Ahh don't worry about it, it's no big deal." Marco says. Star smiles and turns to walk out, but as she is shutting the door, Marco shouts her name quickly. "Star! Hold on!"

She turns quickly. "What's up?" He doesn't answer for a few seconds, but he starts walking towards her.

Marco wraps his hands around her, saying "Thanks for always being there for me." Star seems confused about where this is coming from, but hugs him back. "Of course..."

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