Chapter 23 - Shitty Day at Work

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L/N - Last Name

Your POV

"HEY LADY!" A customer yelled at me from his table, waving his napkin to get my attention.

"I'll be with you in one moment, sir." I said with my perfect waitress smile. I passed his table, my arms full of plates for another table.

The customer sighed an exasperated, overly dramatic sigh.

There goes another 5% of my tip, and he's been so pushy all night. Is he trying to act like a five year old?

What if we just strangled him, then he would stop making tonight's shift so hard.

If only waiting tables was that easy. Tonight's shift had been particularly rough. Even though my channel has been taking off, I'm no where near independent, which means I still need this job.

I make my way over to the angry customer as quickly as possible.

"How can I help you sir?"

"I am allergic to gluten, and I'm sure that this is gluten pasta. I ordered gluten free pasta. AND my drink is warm, can I have another?"

I blinked a few times, before proceeding with waitress mode. "Um, sir this is the gluten free pasta. I can tell because it is a different shape than the normal pasta. Also, we make sure gluten free dishes are put on different color plates. Notice how your wife's plate is white, but yours has a green ring on it. I assure you sir-"

"Are you telling me I can't tell the difference between gluten free pasta and normal pasta? Do I look like an idiot to you?" He started to raise his voice, I could see other customers glacing over in our direction.

"N-No sir, it's just-"

"I want a new dish. At half price." He controlled his voice this time, but kept his threatening tone.

"Yes sir, I'll have that out as soon as I can. What drink would you like?"

"Drink? I said I wanted pasta."

"Yes, sorry sir. And are you finding everything alright?" I asked the woman sitting with him, presumably his wife.

"I'm fine dear." She smiled at me brightly. At least some people know how to be civil.

I took his dish back to the kitchen. "Bruce!" I called out, "Is this gluten free?"

Bruce wandered out. Bruce had trained me, and he deals with all special orders. He gingerly took the dish and serveyed it carefully.

"It should be. Why?"

"Some customer threw a fit about it not being gluten free and he wants it at half price."

"That's outrageous."

"Yeah, but I don't want to confront him. I took too many tables tonight and I really don't have time. Could you heat this up and make it look new or something?"

"Yeah, come back in a few minutes, it'll be done."

"Thanks Bruce."

I rushed out of the kitchen again. I needed to take drink orders at another table. Then I heard that voice again.


"Just a moment sir!" I said sweetly.

"WHERE IS MY PASTA?" He continued anyway.

"It will be out in a moment sir." I said, passing him. I didn't have time.


I stopped and turned to him. "Sir, it has been a minute."

"I can't believe this!" He stood up, outraged, "I came out here for a nice dinner with my wife, and this is the service I receive? DEPLORABLE."

He threw a few crumpled bills on the table. "Come on dear, we're going somewhere with DECENT service."

I stood there, blinking. He shoved me as he passed. The whole diner was silent. Slowly, everyone returned to their conversations.

I was frozen for a moment. Did that just happen?

That was quite possibly the strangest thing I had ever encountered as a waitress.

Well, another day, another weird customer who needs someone to take out their anger on.

I swallowed my pride and turned to another table. "Hello! My name is Y/N and I'll be serving you tonight. What can I start you off with?"

The rest of the night was difficult. I couldn't get that dry rage out of my throat.

At closing time, I rushed to leave. I needed some Starbucks. That's when my manager stopped me.

"Y/N, what on earth happened tonight?"

"With the angry customer?"

"No, the pink pasta, YES THE CUSTOMER! Were you being rude again?"

"Mr. Willis, I know I've had some behavior issues in the past, but I was going through a hard time. I haven't been anything but conscientious in months."

"Y/N, I told you the next time a customer takes serious issue with you..."

"But, sir, it's not like that-"

"I know Y/N, but-"

"You weren't there! How could you know? He was purposefully haggling me. He wanted a perfectly good dish to be sent back and for us to make a new one at half price! He didn't even leave enough to cover his meal. This is unreasonable! You can't-"

Willis cut me off, obviously annoyed. "Miss L/N. I'm not firing you."

I sighed a breath of relief.

"I'm giving you your last warning. You need to clean up your act. You're almost late everyday, you are short tempered with your coworkers, and, while I appreciate your ambition, you overexert yourself during your shift. Do you understand me?" Willis was scary when he was mad, but he was trying to be sincere.

I nodded, swallowing my protests for a second time. "I understand."

Willis walked back into the restaurant, pausing at the door. He turned to me, "How long are you planning on working here?"

His question caught me off guard. He was testing my loyalty. "As long as I need, sir."

He nodded and left me in the cold night air.

As long as I need. I wish I didn't need this.

I picked up my phone, dialing a reliable number. He picked up after two rings. "Hey Y/N, how was work?"

"Gross. I'm pretty sure I almost got fired." I explained the situation to him.

"Oh jeez... well... I'm glad you called. I have some good news for you."

"What is it?"

"It's... actually... I'll tell you myself. I'm coming to your house."

"Alright... I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Okay, bye."

He hung up.


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