0.6 » Trustworthy

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At this point, Jaeden was sure that Romeo was not only a juvenile delinquent, but a psycho too

"Uh, I need to use the bathroom"

Jaeden said getting up and making his way to the door

"Okay cool but look, if you tell anyone about this and I mean anyone. Just know that I've put a few kids in comas before when they tried to snitch on me..."

Romeo said trailing off letting Jaeden excuse himself to the bathroom. He was actually going to go to Finn's cell but now he wasn't so sure

Jaeden got into the bathroom and splashed his face with some water trying to clear his mind.

Shit, what am I going to do? Tell someone, Finn? No no no, I can't do that he'll find out and snap me in half like a twig. And I definitely can't say anything to Sophia because she'll also just go running to Millie. Am I just gonna let this happen? I mean he's probably not gonna actually rape her right? And even if he does she'll definitely resist and someone will surely hear her. I should be okay, if I just keep quiet and act like that whole thing never even happened—
I should be fine.

In this case, Jaeden was only thinking for himself. And not for Millie...


Back at Grace and Sophia's cell, Millie and the two girls were playing cards since they didn't have much else to do.

"So, Millie, what do you think of Romeo"

Grace asked starting up a conversation

"Uh, he is the best boyfriend ever!"

Millie squealed emphasizing the word 'boyfriend'. Making Grace nudge Sophia and wiggle her eyebrows at her

"And what makes him the best 'boyfriend' ever?"

Sophia asked clasping her hands together and resting her chin on them

"It's that he doesn't talk much, all we really do is makeout and it's so nice! My lips practically belong to him"

Millie replied happily

"And didn't you just meet him yesterday?"

Sophia added

"And that means?"

Millie said starting to get a little mad

"You don't know him, Millie"

"And how the fuck would you know that, bitch?"

Millie snapped back at Sophia

"Okay okay, Sophia I think you should go get a drink of water while Millie and I have a chat"

Grace said breaking the two up before someone raised a hand, Sophia huffed and left for the bathroom

"She does have a point Millie..."

Grace trailed off

"What do you mean?"

"I looked at his records Millie, he's in here for Multiple counts of sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape & the beating of two 15 year old girls. And who knows what else he's done"

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