Darkness:the Alice Chronicles 3 - Madness

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Day 68: 27th of May 2027 at 0:30.

Now that I was going home to the ASO base I took John, Tommy and the other 7 survivors with me. On the way home, I met the Black Raven. We looked at each other and after that, he flew away.

We told James what happened and at the first moment he looked very sad but then he just said that we would hold the funeral next week.

And then he went away.

Now without Tyler and the others the HQ of the AMO seemed somehow empty.

I decided to go home and sleep.

Day 69: 28th of May 2027.

As Celina walked through the city, she saw the Black Raven and followed him through the dark alleys. „Who is there? Your smell is different from the one of Alice." Celina came out. „Ah, you are Celina. Or not? What do you want from me?" He asked her and she did not know what to answer. „What is all this about?" She said but the Black Raven did not answer her. „Wait I know you. You are one of the warriors Eric had chosen. My last hope rests on you, if James dies." The Black Raven said and flew away.

It was now 16:30.

When Celina came home from her walk through the city, she felt exhausted and rested for some time. Then when she was on the way out, she saw it again. The Girl inside the mirror had a slender Body empty eyeholes with blood dripping out and black hair. Somehow, the Girl looked similar to her. The Girl started to talk with a distorted voice. "I am your past. You can call me Morta." Celina was confused, she understood nothing anymore. That Girl should be her past? "Eric lied." the Girl said. "You were not saved. You were revived." the Girl added. "That is not possible!" Celina shouted. "Oh yes it is. You were dead and Eric brought you back to life." Morta announced "It can't be! It is not possible to revive humans!" Celina cried. "Have you never heard of the Anti-Death-Vaccine?" Morta said. "Yes it has been developed by the AMO to fight the Morlocks." Celina said. Suddenly Morta started to laugh and when Celina asked what was so funny, Morta hissed. "Are you really so naive?" She asked. "No, I think it is the truth." Celina announced. "Then let me say something, James and Eric had been working for years at the Anti-Death-Vaccine together with the Black Raven and you were their test-subject. The Black Raven has given orders to them. James had founded the AMO and the Black Raven tolerated it to give the stupid humans the illusion of hope." Morta said. Rage was welling up in Celina. How could she dare to say this. Morta probably wasn't even real. "If they find out that you are a monster, they will hunt you down and then your precious little friend will kill you." Morta hissed. That was enough. Filled with Anger and rage Celina smashed her fist into the mirror. It burst into many shards slicing her arms open. Then she noticed something. The mirror had been a part of her wardrobe. At the left side of the wardrobe, there were some childhood pictures of her. On one she was playing on the grass of this house. She remembered that day. Something terrible happened just a few hours later. Celina did not remember what, but she was pretty certain, that it had to do something with Morta.

Later, it was 19:30.

Now she started to remember. Memories came up where she had to gulp down pills. The others excluding her because she was ill. That day when her health got worse and she got hospitalized and Eric, holding her Hand when she was about to die. Morta was right. She had been revived.

Then, it was 22:30.

It was when she took the pills Eric gave her. In that moment, she felt a slight change. She took a mirror and noticed that her eyes were growing red and her skin became a bit more pale. Now Celina knew that she would not take that stuff again. Celina decided to lay down and sleep because it was already late.

Darkness:the Alice Chronicles 1-The TransformationDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora