Darkness Black Out Chapter 2

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As always, I was woken by the unfriendly voice of my angry mother. She was knocking on the door of my bedroom.  Was it really that late? Did I really have to go to school? Why did I have to go through this every day? What had I done to deserve a mother like that? I wondered as I listened to her unfriendly voice. It was the same voice I heard every morning. My mother did not want me to play with boys' toys like cars and I was really angry. When I would sneak out and buy some toys, she would throw them away and scold me for not playing with dolls like Mia. My sister Mia was the perfect girl, but I felt that I was not a typical girl, so my parents always compared me to her. It was terrible for me to be like a boy, so Mia was the real girl in the family. My mother also makes me wear a dress or skirt instead of my favourite shorts. If I do not want to do what she tells me, she says I should look at Mia. At parties, my dad always wants to show people how beautiful his daughter is. So he always takes Mia with him because she behaves better, and so I have hardly ever been to one of his parties, which has never bothered me. I opened my sleepy eyes and sat down on the corner of my bed. I looked down at my body. My blonde curls fell in my face. I had a brief shock of blonde curls in place. Even though I was fourteen, my puberty hadn't started yet. I was still quite small for my age. The other girls and boys were already quite tall. Compared to them, I looked like a fifth-grader, although I was already in the eighth grade. I could stay like that for the rest of my life. It would not be so bad. At least I would not have to worry about finding someone. Because I believed that no one could ever fall in love with a girl like me, and I was only interested in my hobbies. Then I went to the wardrobe and got my clothes out.

After dressing in my usual clothes, I opened the door and was annoyed because my mother was already urging me to come over for breakfast.
I went into the kitchen where my mother was preparing breakfast for us. I went to the table and sat down on a wooden chair that did not look very comfortable. My mother served me and my sister breakfast. When I had eaten my mother's breakfast, I went out the door to go to school. On the way I met that strange boy again. I began to wonder why I kept running into him. It started to get annoying. "What do you want from me?" I said to him. The tone was more aggressive than I had intended. "Can't I just come to see you?" The Black Raven asked me. I told him that I wasn't used to it and he replied that my private life must be very boring. I was speechless and couldn't say anything for a while. This brat had looked straight into my heart. I did not know what to say. I just stood there and racked my brain. But I could not find a solution. After a while I agreed, but only on condition that he took off his mask. He said he would come later that day and left.

Celina woke up with no memory of what had happened before yesterday. Yesterday, a boy with glasses, chestnut hair and a white robe had said that she had lost her memory and fallen into a coma because of an incident that had happened some time ago. She was lying on a white bed with her head on a white curtain. Celina picked up the mirror that was on a small table next to a lamp. When she looked in the mirror, she saw that she had black hair and that she was almost painfully thin. She got up and looked around. After five hours, the boy with the glasses and the white robe came to Celina and told her that she had finally been discharged from the hospital. When she asked where she was going to live, he told her that he had organised something. She left the room and when she came out of the hospital a man was waiting for her. He looked like a businessman and took her to the house. The house had white walls and a wooden door. Celina could see a terrace with tables and chairs. The house also had a yard with fresh green grass. Suddenly she had a feeling of déjà vu. She had no idea what was going to happen that day. Soon she went inside.

After walking for a while, I arrived at the huge school building. I still could not believe that my school was so big. When I entered the school, I was still amazed at the huge dining hall that the school had. Some students were sitting in the huge entrance hall. They were talking to each other and didn't see me. When they looked up and saw me, I started shaking. This happened every time I came into contact with other students. Every time our eyes met, I became nervous. I would hurry down the corridor and into the classroom. I would hastily open the door and duck into my seat to avoid looking the other students in the eye. I felt uncomfortable if I had to look at anyone. In the classroom I would listen quietly to the teacher. The teacher would explain something and I would listen quietly. It was quite interesting. Suddenly I had to explain some mathematical phenomena and I solved the problem with my combination. When it was time for lunch, I wanted to sit on my favourite bench again, but Jacob and Caleb were already there. I argued with them but finally gave up and ate standing up. The two of them got up and came over to me. Obviously I could not run away from my fate. When I realised that, I quickly put my lunch box away, not wanting to smash it and spill the contents all over the floor. Jacob punched me in the stomach and I fell to the floor. I cowered on the floor, shielding my body with my arms and legs.

Darkness:the Alice Chronicles 1-The TransformationМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя