Darkness: the Black Out Chapter 5

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When I woke up that day, I sat up on my bed. I looked down at my body. The wounds from the operation still hurt. For me it was a reminder. A reminder that I had lost something forever. Something that should have been very important to me. This wound would never go away. It was shaped like a cross. This wound would stay with me for the rest of my life. One day it would become a scar. Several stitches were needed to close it. I knew I would never be the person I was before that day. The cross-shaped wound on my hips had already been closed by the Black Raven and was still healing. The thing that had made me a girl was there. The Black Raven had taken it in exchange for some yet unknown powers. He wanted to use it for artificial insemination. That would mean that I would not become a girl like the others. I knew that, but I had done it because I wanted to. Did this mean that I was no longer a girl? Either way, my life had changed drastically in the last few days. Did someone like me even deserve to be loved? I was not beautiful, I felt ugly and I thought I was a strange person. Who would love someone like that? Besides, I was tired of all the other people. It would be best if I left. Sometimes I thought about running away from everything. After thinking about it, I got up and got my clothes out of the cupboard. My father had made breakfast for me and was waiting with my sister Mia. We ate together and then I went to school. On the way to school I saw the Black Raven. He was chasing me. When I realised that, I started to tremble and looked around. I looked for a place to hide, but before I could, the Black Raven had seen me. He came to greet me and asked if I was all right. I told him that the wound was still healing and that I was fine, although it was throbbing.

The Black Raven said that I had wanted this operation and now I had to live with the consequences. After he said that, I replied that I was aware of that and that I would go on no matter what. When he said goodbye, he flew away and I went to school.

I entered the school. The large entrance hall was filled with students. The other pupils were talking in hushed voices. I shuddered at the thought that they were talking about me and hurried into the classroom. As I sat down in my chair, the first thing I noticed was that the seat next to me was empty. Paula had been sitting there. Paul was also missing. But he had been at school yesterday, so maybe he was just ill. My wound was still throbbing. While I was still wondering, our class teacher, where we had English and Art, appeared. She was an older, kind woman with glasses. Suddenly I realised that another pupil was missing. His name was Jacob. He had short brown hair. Then, during class, we saw Jacob come in. I didn't know what to think. During the break, Jacob told us an incredible story. "There was this weird guy with black wings and a black raven mask, and he gave me a weird injection. He also made me swallow a weird ball that was very mushy. He had white hair and a purple anorak. He also had red eyes. He was wearing grey gloves and black boots. He gave me a vial and said the contents would solve all my problems," Jacob said. "Do you remember his name?" asked Jacob. "It's all a blur. But I want to say it was Black Raven," he replied. At school, Jacob and Caleb beat me up, and after Black Raven came to help me again, they gave up. In the afternoon I sat next to Celina. She looked at me and asked if I was still Alice. I said that of course I was still Alice.

Celina told me I had changed. Then I decided to go home. On my way home, I saw the cat looking up at the bright blue sky. I followed its gaze. There I saw something strange. The whole sky was filled with red balls. They had a strange formation. There seemed to be a foetus inside each one. The things inside didn't look human. Their pale bodies made me shiver. There were tens of thousands of them. One of them landed on a tree beside me. A creepy infant with bright red eyes was clawing its way out of slimy red goo. The creature had nostrils instead of a nose and long, pointed ears. Its mouth was filled with sharp teeth. It climbed down the tree and disappeared into the bushes. On my way home I met Jacob. He said he would not let me get away with my behaviour from before. Caleb grabbed me from behind. I broke free and threw Caleb against a tree. Jacob injected the drug and I could not stop him. His body turned green and his head became long. He snapped at me with his long teeth and his hands turned into long claws. Jacob said he would tear me to pieces. Jacob lunged at me with his claws and Caleb tried to hold me. When Jacob hit me with his long claws, it hurt so much that I thought my end must have come. Somehow I tried to escape Caleb's grip by jumping into the air. Caleb lost the ground beneath his feet and I managed to get away.

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