"If they do, we will run away from here. They never tracked me down before."

"But dad, Lucca..." I didn't want to leave him--not ever.

"This is just our last initiative. I'm not saying we will do it, but just in case."

I nodded. "What are we going to do about mom--

Dad snarled. "That woman doesn't deserve to be called your mother. Neither is she my mate. I should have realized sooner how selfish she really was."

"I can't believe she went and married a hunter."

I felt betrayed.

I knew her the first twelve years of my life. That's almost half my existence! She used to smile at me, hug me like a real mother should. She told me she loved me--I have never forgotten.

Were those words fake?

She changed after she saw me first shift. Dad came home late that night and I shifted right in front of her as she rushed into the bathroom, hearing me scream in pain. I was so scared that time, confused about what was happening to me. Dad never told me of my other half.

I remember looking into her eyes after I completed my transformation and the whimper from my mouth as mom stepped back almost falling to the floor. Her face washed from color, her arms wrapped tightly around her, as if keeping herself from falling apart. But she was falling apart--inside, she was going insane.

She ran out after calling me numerous vile names.

"She deserves to be with the real monsters." Dad said bitterly.

"She has kids." I whispered.

His hands fisted tightly against my back. "Don't think about it. Don't even think of them as your siblings. They are and will be raised as your enemies. Their parents will teach them to kill you. Don't hold sympathy for them because they are half your blood, because they won't sympathize you if you were dead right in front of them."

Dad's words were harsh, but they were the truth.

"I might not be able to stomach seeing her, dad."

"If I'll have my way, you won't see her. I promise..." But how can I protect you from feeling the pain of seeing her again?



Lucca called as from a far distance. He was still giving us our privacy but he wanted to inform us that our time was up. Impatient mate...

Dad snorted. "He was a brat then and he still is. If you two have pups one day, I hope they turn out like you."

My mouth dropped and I think my face turned ten deep shades of red. "DAD!"

He looked at me and rolled his eyes. "I'm being frank, you should already be used to that."

Before I could retort, Lucca was at hearing distance and I didn't want him to hear what dad and I were talking about. I hope he doesn't ever find out!

"Are you okay?" He noticed my face flushed.

"Fine, just feeling warm."

"Are you getting sick?"

"I shook my head. No, I'm just overwhelmed." I sigh as he pulls me close to his side. Dad looks at us and I feel two feet tall with him staring at our closeness. "Dad...umm, can I see Alpha Peyton?"

"Why?" Lucca said flabbergasted.

"I want to see how she and her new born are doing."

"Alpha Soren is not permitting anyone in the cabin except those he allows." Dad said.

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