Away far away

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5 Days passed I had locked myself in my room. I did not answer any calls nor did I meet anyone who came to the door. Mom knew and she decided to give me the space I needed.

It was time to go to college not because I wanted to meet people. I had to go for my dance formalities. It was time to leave this city, this country and the people here. Somehow I did not trust the air here anymore.

I did not want any explanation nor the reason. I just don't think any reason is valid to cheat or betray. Maria was not one of the girls I adored but not something I expect a girl to do. I did not hate her nor loved her. But you don't wish such thing to an enemy too.

I reached college luckily I dd not face anyone yet. I walked straight to the office. And there the two of them. Right in front of me holding hands!
Like you say sorry on my face and behind my back.

I'm not happy I came to know. I feel stupid to trust a boy so much. I went to opposite desk and completed my formalities. I turned to see they had left.

I walked to meet my professors. Bid them off and walked home. I felt happy I did not meet anyone.

I reached home to see Louis and Maria in the drive way! Man could I just go invisible? Or just be the flash and run to my room without being noticed.

I built in some strength and walked towards my home after all I dint do anything wrong.
I did not stop by them. I continued walking to the gate.

Jennifer I heard Maria shout. I turned,
"Yes, bitch?" Oh I can't play miss nice always!

"I'm sorry but I really like him", she said.

"Ok done?" I said being the bitch now.
I was holding my tears and my hand. Watching him stand there besides her killed me.

I couldn't control she was saying something but I opened the door and slammed it behind me. I didn't want to hear anything about them.

I was happy I'm leaving. Away far away.

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