This Nasty Little Provincal Town

Start from the beginning

I knew why that was, I was the only person here from the twenty first century. "Is that a good thing?"

"It is very good. You I feel as though I can have a conversation with. You also look at others in a different way. I do not know how but it seems... kinder." He said staring intently into my eyes. This time I didn't squirm. I blushed a bit but held his gaze.

"Oh. I can assure you, I have never met a guy like you, literally ever."

Abraham laughed, "The way you speak captivates me Alice."

"Hmm never been told that before. Your the one who sounds like you are spitting out poetry though." I laughed along with him.

His smile dimpled his cheeks, "If you enjoy poetry, than I will travel all of Europe seeking the perfect poem so as you may breathe life into the words as perfect as you are."

"You barely know me yet, slow down buckaroo," I said. I didn't entirely want him to stop. I compliment from the guys in my school was something along the lines of "dat ass doe." If you ignored the stupid hair and stupid clothes, he would be handsome. Maybe I could convince him to get a haircut later.

"I wish to." He smiled, "I will deliver you to your home."

"Oh please don't. They'll probably like lock me in my room and consider me mentally ill. Why don't we continue on a scheduled meeting and tell them later that you picked me up early."

"If it gets me more time with you than I'll be pleased," he said.

"Okay you gotta stop. I can't have an actual conversation with you if you talk like that." I sighed. The carriage pulled up along a large house. It was smaller than the Hemerton Estate but just as magnificent. It was made of dark red bricks and was three floors high. Smoke puffed from dozens of chimneys.It was surrounded by tall dark trees and flowering gardens. Abraham got out first and held out his hand for me. Being the independent woman I am wanted to refuse his help and step out. But I knew I would simply fall onto my face in this flamboyant dress. I gently took his hand and stumbled out of the carriage.

"Abraham, your house is awesome!"

"I do not understand that word," he said.

"What? Awesome. It means awing from where I come from."

"Wherever you come from has a strange and complex dialect,"

I laughed, "Then I'll have to teach you how to speak like me."

"I would be honoured," he said as we went to sit by a water fountain surrounded by bushes of flowers.

"'Kay that's the first thing. The idea is wanna be able to say the least amount of words."

"Such as you are beautiful instead of you are the epitome of beauty and the stars bow at your feet." He suggested.

"Yes but instead of saying 'such as' you would say 'like.' You also gotta combine some words. Got to becomes gotta, do not becomes Don't, you are is you're." I said trying to simplify modern English.

"I believe I may get it," he said then laughed, "I mean I've got it."

"Boy you catch on fast!" I laughed. We roamed the gardens until it was nearly dusk laughing and talking. We talked about 'where I come from' and  things like school, fast food(which he called a quick feast), feminism and racism(which he was pleasantly surprised by. He said he never thought about it that way) and fruits such as lemons and oranges(which he tried once.) Then I was dropped off at my estate.

After a extremely boring dinner with the Hemertons(beef carrots gravy and Yorkshire pudding) I retired to my room. As always, Eleanor was already in my room preparing for night.

"Hey Eleanor," I greeted her as I came in kicking off my shoes.

"Hello Miss Alice. I am just heating up your bed iron. How was your day?"

"Quite interesting. The towns in this time is interesting."

I heard her stomach rumble from across the room, "I apologize, Miss Alice."

"Have eaten supper yet?" I asked. It was about 9 o'clock.

"I have had my portion for the night. I will be filled when I have dinner tomorrow."

"Wait do you not have 3 meals a day?" I asked astounded.

"Only on Holidays. Everyday we have a cup of porridge and that's our food for the day," she said like there was nothing wrong with it.

"Then we're going to go get you something proper to eat," I marched out the door heading toward the kitchen. Eleanor called  protests behind me but I ignored her. I was on a mission. The kitchen staff had already gone to bed so the kitchen was dark and cold. I snuck in and looked for anything I could grab. I found a few chunks of cooked meat in the ice box , an apple, slice of cheese, and a slice of bread. I snuck back along the dark hallways, only small candles lit up small sections of the halls.

"What do you think you are doing young lady?" Mr Hemerton said from a dark corner of the hall. I jumped dropping the apple. I hope she didn't care if it was bruised.

"I, uh, was just getting a nighttime snack," he looked at me skeptically so I added, "I've been hungry ever since I got back. I think they were starving me."

"Of course my dear. Next time just ring for a maid instead of labouring down to the kitchen yourself," he moved on from the hall, going into the library. I quietly scuttled back to my room and dropped the food on a table.

"Eat," I instructed.

"No really its fine," she insisted.

"I am not going to bed until you eat all of this," I said. She sat down trying to seem like she wasn't pleased with such an elaborate meal. She ate slowly and quietly. Particularly enjoying the meat and apple. "It's not fair that they treat you so unfairly. How much do they pay you?"

"Um, £2 a year. But it is not that horrible since I get a bed to sleep in and food."

"Only £2! That's outrageous!"

"It is a lot better than a lot of people have in town. I must be going now. Have a goodnight Miss Alice," she left taking the remaining piece of bread with her.

I crawled into bed and immediately fell asleep.

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