She let out a shaky breath, and the next moment her arms were wrapped tightly around my shoulders. I hugged her closely, stoking her long hair through my fingers. "Of course you'll see me again. You are so strong Char; you can beat him. You and Harry, you will beat him. You'll find a way."

I just held her, because I didn't know what to say to that.


Hands snaked around my waist, the heat of a person's body warmed my back. I smiled, looking back to find a familiar red head grinning down at me.

"George, give up. I know the difference between you and Fred" I giggled, shaking my head at the boy. He smirked and let his arms fall back to his sides.

"Well it was worth a try. Fred would have a fit if I got a little smooch and it would be hilarious" he shrugged. I laughed and rolled my eyes at him, leaning up on my tiptoes and pecking his cheek.

He smiled back before slinging his arm across my shoulders. "So, anything interest you? You know it's yours, no cost of course" he beamed, looking over the very busy and crowded joke shop. It was so obvious how proud he was of all the hard work he and Fred had put into this place. Fireworks exploded over our heads and I laughed.

"Thank you, George, but right now, I'm not sure I need anything except to find my boyfriend among the ten thousand people in here right now" I replied, my head swivelling right and left.

"Your boyfriend is over there, heading to the love potions" he grinned, winking at me.

"What are you giving me that look for? I already love him" I smiled as we descended the stairs.

"Yeah, yeah, cuteness galore with you two" he sighed, but I knew he was joking when he sent me another wink. We walked up beside Fred, George on one side and I on the other.

"Hello, ladies" The twins said at the same time to Hermione and Ginny.

"Love potions, eh?" George asked.

"Yeah, they really do work" Fred nodded.

"Then again, the way we hear it sis, you're doing just fine on your own." George smirked. I rolled my eyes. Of course they chose to harass their sister about this now.

With a glare, Ginny stared down her brothers.  "Meaning?"

"Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?" Fred teased. I lightly hit him in the side, but he just grinned back at me.

"That's none of your business" Ginny replied, a little bit of attitude thrown in. I smiled at that, watching her walk away.

"Stop teasing your sister" I sighed, looking at the twins.

"Can't, it's in our DNA" George grinned.

"Must annoy little sister gene" Fred agreed, putting air quotes around the words as he spoke. "Most older brothers have it".

I rolled my eyes at the two, following them up the stairs when I heard Ron ask from behind us, "How much for this?"

"Five galleons" the twins answered.

Ron shook his head, before asking "How much for me?"

"Five galleons" they repeated. I sighed and crossed my arms.

Ron looked incredulous. "But I'm your brother?"

Fred and George shared a look, and I could almost guess what they were going to say next. "Ten galleons" they shrugged.

Ron rolled his eyes, lowering his arm and walking away. "You guys are so mean" I sighed, moving to follow Ron, and not the twins.

"Char, where are you going?" Fred asked, and he sounded genuinely worried that he'd upset me, so I smiled a little.

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