Ch.11 Mislead conclusions

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Raph had been looking for Mikey  for 2 hours. Raph had called Donnie to see if Mikey had returned to the lair but he hasn't. Raph was getting really worried.

What if one of Shredder's goons got him ? Raph kept thinking.

Raph hopes nothing bad had happen to his baby brother. Raph suddenly sees a fimalier figure dashing on the roof tops.

"Karai" Raph growls under his breath.

She must have Mikey Raph thought bitterly.

Raph begins to follow her.


Mikey was still sitting on the roof tops. He was thinking about what Shinigami said. Maybe she was right. Maybe he needs to believe in himself.

Mikey stood up. Thinking he should head home, it was pretty late. Leo, Donnie and Splinter where proably concern where he was. But Mikey doubted Raph even cared where he was.

As Mikey began walking he hears something below him. He sees Razar and Fishface loading up a van and  driving off.

There up to no good Mikey thought as he watches the van drive away.

With out thinking twice Mikey follows the van.


Raph countines to follow  Karai until she disappeared.

Where the hell did she go Raph mutters. Raph suddenly is hit in the back of his head.

Well I knew somebody was following me Karai smirks.

Raph and Karai began to fight.

Where's leo ? I thought he was the one following little old me Karai smirks clashing her tonto against Raph's sia's.

Your broke his rib cage bitch ! Raph snares as tries to punch her

Karai felt a little shocked.

Really ? I hurt him that bad ? Is he okay ? Karai asks kinda of concern.

Raph raises an eyebrow.

Why do you even ca... wait a minute are you and leo secretly seeing each ?! Raph exclamies.

Karai fumes.

What ?! Of course not ?! Karai exclaims.

Forget it ! Where's Mikey ! Raph growls.

Karai raises an eyebrow.

Like I know ! Karai mutters swipe kicking Raph.

Raph jumps back up and tackles Karai pining her arms to the floor. Karai struggles.

Talk now or else ! Raph shouts.

Or else what ? Karai asks with a smirk. 

Raph smirks coodly.


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!

Raph dangles Karai by her shirt over the roof.

Where is Mikey ?! I'm not gonna asks again !!!! Raph growls.

Your crazy !!!! Karai screams. She struggles desperately holding on to Raph's hands.

If you don't tell me where Mikey is I'll drop you !!!!! Raph screams.

I don't know !!!! Karai shouts.

Liar !!!! Raph shouts.

Karai felt Raph loosening his grip on her shirt.

I'm telling you the truth I haven't seen him !!! Karai crys in desperation.

Raph glares at her. Karai looked terrified.

What am I doing ? Raph thought.

Raph was about to let Karai back on the roof when someone attacks him.

Let go of  her !!!!! Shinigami shouts punching Raph in the jaw.

As Shinigami hits Raph, he lets Karai go in the process. Karai was now falling.

Karai screams.

Nooooooooo !!!!!! Raph shouts.

Athour's  note  :  Cliff hanger. So this took a while to update

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