Ch.10 Horrible News

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WHAT !!!???!!!!!!  The Shredder shouts, slamming his fit on the throne's arm rest as he hears the news about many of the foot operations getting blown up.

How could you let this happen Tigerclaw ?! Shredder demands.

Tigerclaw lowers his head.

Forgive me Master the witch was very powerful, Tigerclaw explains.

No Excuses !!!!!!! I want that Witch elemented !!!!! Shredder orders.

But Master how do we catch her ? Tigerclaw asks.

Suddenly the doors swing open to revale two clocked girls who looked to be 18 and 17.

Who dares ?! Shredder snares.

One of the girls lifts the hood off her head. She had dark brown hair that is kept in a bun.

"Allow me to indrouce myself I am Myou (means dark in Japanese) and this is my sister, Iku" (means beautiful black jewel in Japanese) Maya said as Iku removes her hood to revale her raven hair, pale skin, her sadistic smile and glowing purple eyes.  On each sides of her cheek  where black Diamond tattoos.

"She's quite the wild card" smirks Myou as Iku silently agrees with her.

"Why are you here ?!" Shredder demands.

"To help you with the witch, you see this witch is nothing but a girl pretending to be a goddess, We should know we once knew her" Myou explains.

"So you know her weaknesses ?" Shredder asks.

"Of course" Smirks Iku.

"Let's make a deal, we take "care" of our "old friend" and you do something in return for us" smirks Myou.

"And what will that be ?" Shredder asks buntly.

"To make our friend suffer" Iku laughs evil.

Shredder smirks evilly.

"With pleasure" Shredder smirks evilly.

Athour's  note  :  Oh no Shredder teams up with evil witches. What connection do Iku and Myou have to Shinigami ? Next chapter Raph trys to find mikey.

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