Ch. 2 Dark Magic

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Meanwhile at the foot temple,

Foot bots walk around the temple, keeping an eye out for any intruders. From the Shadows dark glowing yellow eyes where watching, waiting for a moment to strike.

Suddenly dark wicked laughter echoed thought the temple getting the foot bots attention. The foot bots look around but see nothing but darkness.

Suddenly bats appear attacking everything in sight including the footbots tearing them to metal shreds. Red smoke spreads around the temple and the temple stated to melt and the roof started to cave in. Ruble began to fall from the celling as the walls of the temple melt to the ground until  the temple was reduced to nothing but melted ruble. 

 The figure smiles wickedly.

"That's only the beginning Shredder"  The figure laughs.

Author's  note  :  Can anyone gusse who the Mysterious figure is ? Hint it's a character in the show not an Oc this time.  Sorry that this chapter is short next chapter is a little longer.

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