chapter eleven | silk

Start from the beginning

I watch out the window in awe at all of the buildings and lights. I giggled at the fact that it was so hard to keep my eyes open while the warm air of the night was pounding my face repeatedly. I eventually closed my eyes and stuck my arm out the car window. My fingers danced with the forceful air.

It's funny how the simplest thing can feel like the most wonderful thing when you're with a certain person.

The car came to a stop just about five or ten minutes out of town. Harry parked in the driveway of an old beaten down store of some sort. He shut the car off and grabbed his hat.

"What's in there?" I asked.

"I'm coming to pay a friend of mine a visit real quick, just stay in he- never mind, come with me."

I felt weirded out by the whole situation but none the less, I obeyed and got out of the car.

"Here, hold my hand and don't let go, got it?"


Unfamiliar smells invaded my nostrils. I could hardly see because the lights were so dim. Harry continued to squeeze my hand rather tightly. I winced to myself and kept my head down as we walked down a narrow hallway. I could hear laughing and talking from not too far away. We were walking at particularly quick pace.

I still clung to Harry's hand tightly as we entered a room full of people, older men to be exact. I chew at the inside of my cheek as I felt myself becoming more and more anxious. I think Harry knew that because he pulled me closer to him almost instantly.

"We'll just be a second," He reassured.

I nodded and kept my eyes on the ground.

"Styles!" I loud voice caught me off guard.

I raised my head up to see a dark haired man walking towards Harry and I. He was slightly shorter than Harry with slighter tanner skin. Harry let go of my hand to hug the man. I placed my hands behind my back.

"It's good seeing you, man."

"You too, you too."

I glanced around the room as the unfamiliar man continued to converse with Harry. I noticed there were a few women among all those drunk and loud men. Only a few. They all looked to be pin up girls. My curious thoughts were put on a hold when I felt an arm around my shoulder.

"And who's this?" The dark haired man smiled down at me.

"That's Lana," Harry answered, "I've told you about Lana, yeah?" He tells people about me?

"Of course!" He smirked, "Well, it's very nice to meet you, Lana."

"You too," I mumbled.

Before I could pull away he pulled me in for a hug. I swallowed harshly and wrapped my arm around the strange man. I patted his back quickly and inhaled his scent, a mixture of expensive cologne and cigars.


I became annoyed by the way Zayn was treating Lana. I know he was only being friendly but, I guess I can be territorial sometimes.

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