chapter two

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"O-Oi Gooon wait... you can't take her to our apartment." Killua said..

"Why not?!" Gon replied and tried to open the front door... Nilover was glancing emotionless at killua.

"Stop looking at me like this, damn female!" Killua hissed and demanded. 'Purple eyes huh? A witch?!' Killua thought.

Gon opened the door and put Nilover on the couch. "Yosh! Act like you are in your home" Gon said grinning, killua got mad and Nilover nodded.

"GOTTA TAKE A SHOWER, BE SAFE UNTIL I GET BACK" Killua yelled at Gon and Gon sweat dropped then he went.

"You have a pretty eyes...." Nilover said calmly to Gon and he got confused.

"Ah-haha thanks" Gon said timidly.

She didn't avert her eyes from Gon in any minute nor second.

~Killua's POV~

Oh shit! Who is she? A witch!!!? A Purple eyed wizard?! A Ghoul!!!!? Who's she?! Damn! Is she really back from the other world?! How can Gon take it too easy?! Damn....

I've finished showering and changed to an usual outfit. A blue turtle neck and a grey shorts and went back to the living room where the witch is, by a bare feet.

I exchanged a look with her. "Who are you?" I asked, making sure Gon wasn't near us.

"I dunno" She murmured, looking at her thighs. "Where is he?"

"Gon?" I asked and she nodded. "He was with you, I'm the one who supposed to be asking this question." I said coldly.

I don't like to interact with a foreign people especially with a witch. All the witches or most of them had a purple eyes which means they are cursed. But How am I supposed to tell Gon that?

I'll protect Gon! No matter what will happen!

Damn!! He's so innocent and idiot,...


~No one's POV~

"I'm back!" Gon said.

"Wow, I think you forget to tell someone that you will go O U T SIDE!!!!" Killua yelled.

"Ne, calm down, I went to check something..."

"To check what? And, why didn't you answer my calls and messages?!"

"Hmmm, wait I'll tell you everything Killuaaaa" Gon puffed his cheeks then sighed. "Lets continue in my room"



"I went to where we went this afternoon..."

"To the park?"

"Yes.. I thought that if I will find something important about Nilover"


"Nothing was observed but I saw some small bloody dots on the grass but not that much..."

"She's not even wounded!!!"

"That's it! I'm not sure, but I think something weird got happened.."

"Same here... I'm worried Gon! I think she's a witch..."

"I'm not a witch!!!" Nilover came from vaccum.

"Woah! N-Nilover..." Gon said confused

"Did your parents teach you how to knock the door before you enter?" Killua asked uninterestedly.

"Killua listen.. I really don't know who I'm but I'm not a witch" She said angerly.

"Gimme a proof!" Killua said frowning. She bitted her lower lip.

"I don't have a proof, just a hunch..." She mumbled looking at the floor. Gon was so confused, watching and listening without sharing.

"Then? What am I supposed to do? Agree with your hunch?" Killua hissed.

"Killua, give her a second..." Gon said worreidly.

"I don't know what to say... you can leave me alone or I will leave don't worry" She mumbled.

"Fine, thanks" Killua said carelessly.

"Killua!" Gon yelled and Killua rolled his eyes.

"It's fine Gon..." She said and her eyes color changed from purple to gold.

"W-what the!?" Gon and Killua said in unison.

Nilover disappeared then appeared again in front of Gon. Now she's face to face with him. Gon was confused and his mouth was half opened. "Your eyes are attracting me Gon! It'll be mine... Curse!" She said with a hoarse tone then her eyes turned to purple again and she collapsed.

"What the hell!!!" Killua said digging his hands on his scalp.

"I-I don't know" Gon said with widened eyes.."what shall we do with her now?!"

"Kick her outside sooner! Idiot!" Killua yelled.

"N-no..." Gon was still surprised.


"I'm not but.... I don't know... a hunch..."

"Oh Gush! Why am I supposed to talk with hunch-people!!! Then I will tie her with a rope sarrounded by Nen! No for refusal!"


"We will decide if we keep her inside or kick her outside after listening to her excuse! If her excuse doesn't enter my mind I will kill her.."

"*sigh* okay"


Gold-Purple eyed mysterious friend (Book One in Gon and Killua's adventures)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu