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"Here is how it goes." Slater is standing in front of the dusty couch that I said I wouldn't sit on but he pleaded until I plopped on the couch and dust poofed out.

Bash sits on the chair rest beside me constantly flipping through Delirium pages and I try not to lash out as he bends the cover.

"So we will choose an alternate ego which will be the opposite of how you act which we will go out and do activities."
"When ever one of us say on we must change. So with me I would have to be the cool responsible type." He stood straighter and fixed an invisible tie. "Grumpy over there would have to be nicer. Fun right?" Slater was beaming at the idea.

"Like hell." Bash said still doing his rhythmic book flapping.

"You have to. You already promised, you can choose how you want to be. But right now Bliss has to choose."

Even though though this couldn't possibly be a real game, I play along.

I look at their poor roofing and think of my alter ego. At the moment I complain, bossy, and judgmental. I have a problem with unorganized things and super happy people so maybe something that shoo away from all that.

"Okay. I want to be fun and carefree, less panicky and more of a doer." I finish and Bash laughs under his breath. I try to push him off but he doesn't budge.

"Watch it Shorty." He grabbed my hand off of his arm and flicked it back.

Slater nods. "I like it."
He paces nodding his head fabricating more ideas for his game.

" We have to literally change everything about you. You can't be a forceful sloppy mess when we go out."

Did he say really just say that? Does he not like my baggy hobo look I got going here? I couldn't be that bad.

I look down at myself and shrug.

"You come up with something. I never thought about changing myself really."

Slater quickly look over at Bash and they do their stare down and Bash nod his head and show a little grin. Slater claps with excitement and reach for his phone.

"What are you doing?" I move further away from Bash. He started tugging at one of my curls that took me so long to put up into a ponytail.

"Phoning a friend." Slater states walking outside.

* * * *
Slater didn't come back in the house, and I have been sitting on their porch for I don't know how long soaking up this good vitamin C. Closing my eyes and I guess I drift off.

When my eyes open back up a Porsche pulls up and out steps a glistening long leg heels wearing tight pieces of cloth, bone straight bob cut if an amazon goddess.

I blink a couple of times stunned. How could someone be so darn gorgeous? I look down at myself a second time and finally see what Slater was talking about. I frown, watching her every move in jealousy.

When she sees Slater her pace quickens to a run and the next thing I know she jumps on top of him. Her legs wrap all the way around his hips. He holds her butt to steady both of them, who knew Slater was strong?

She kissed his collarbone, his lips, nose, cheek, and laid many others. When she talks her words run over the other causing her to stop and start the sentence over.
"How long has it been? I miss you so much?" She continues caressing making him smile brighter.
"A few years, smartypants." He looks behind him and I swear he looks at me until he says, "You should go say hi to Bash before I start explaining things."

Free TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora