first kiss

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18 - first kiss

millies pov

my surroundings were spinning, but at the same time they were still. time was still. all that mattered was finn.. and me. and his eyes. god his eyes- they were beautiful.

i couldn't blink. my eyes were fixed on his, his were fixed on mine and there was no way i could look away. i breathed, barely.

"millie?" finn whispered, breaking the silence. i blinked. finally, breathing and letting go.

"are you okay?"

i nodded. biting my lip, "better." i said quietly.

he smiled, his face was oh so close to mine.

is he going to kiss me?
am i having my first kiss?
why is the ground spinning?
why are his eyes s-

pull yourself together millie.

my thoughts were scattered. maybe it was the drink? i don't know. no one had ever made me feel this way. so.. new. i felt like a new person around him, he made me find something in me that i didn't know about before i came here.

i snapped out of my thoughts and gazed back at him. his eyes traced my face, eyes, lips, jaw.

he was hesitant. nervous?

i leaned forward, ever so slightly. until his lips were just millimetres away from my own. feeling his breath on my mouth.

i tilted my head and so did he, staring at his lips i gently closed the space between us. his hands travelled up my back and pulled me closer until our chests were touching, smiling into the kiss.

my first kiss.

my eyes were shut, lost in the moment, my arms were still around his neck and everything around us was gone. the music was gone. the people. the crashing sound of the waves at the shore. even the sound of seagulls fighting over the discarded food on the ground.

all that was left was us.

the time that passed felt like days until he pulled away, smiling. i smiled back and giggled slightly. it felt more comfortable after the kiss, like i could just be myself.

"you're amazing. you know that?" he told me, holding onto both of my hands. i grinned and rested my forehead on his, staring into his-

"there you guys are!"

i whipped my head around and so did finn, gasping as gaten scared us.

"we've been looking for you! guess you needed some privacy.." he said, winking at finn. i smirked and looked at finn who laughed and playfully shoved gatens shoulder.

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