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02 - rude?

millie's pov
i was walking towards the main building of the camp to greet sadie- who was late, as usual. i stared at the ground as i walked, hands in the pockets of my thick denim jacket, lost in thought; this summer was going to suck. if i'd just stayed off the radar at school for one more week it would be fine. but no- sadie had to drag me into her shit again. i sighed thinking about it, i didn't really mind, it was fun getting into trouble with her but i guess it just went too far this time...

"jeez!" i yelled, jumping as a guy crashed into me, i looked up at him. he had curly jet black hair and freckles mapping his face. he didn't look up and gave a pathetic apology. i scoffed and grabbed his arm before he could turn away. "rude?" i said, raising my eyebrows inquisitively. he looked at me for the first time and looked surprised. i frowned, he looked me up and down. "my bad." he said, smirking. i covered my smile and walked away, waving without looking back.

"millieeeeee!" sadie squealed , running up and hugging me tight. i smiled and hugged her back , "we're in the same bunk right?" i asked, she looked at her key which had the number seven engraved on it and i nodded, smiling.

we got about half way up the hill towards the back of the camp, where our bunk was and chatted the whole way about how shit this was going to be. "do you have a cig?" sadie asked me. i shook my head and sighed, we both agreed to kick the habit together but what would summer be without blowing dirty smoke in each others faces. sadie laughed all of a sudden and i looked at her quizzically. "have you ever thought about how fun we could actually make this?" she said, squinting at the sun. i furrowed my brow and let her continue. "if our cabins really this far away," she continued, gesturing towards the direction we were walking in, "would the leaders even care what we're doing?" i shrugged and carried on walking.


i turned my key and opened the door to our small cabin, walking inside as sadie followed. sophia was sat on her bed reading a magazine and she looked up as sadie said hi, dumping her bag and coat on a free bed. the room was design for four people, two bunk beds sat just a couple of feet apart. there was a dresser at one  end of the room and the other end held a desk and the door to a small bathroom.

i introduced sophia to sadie as we had already met and they made friendly small talk as sadie started to unpack her things and stuff clothes into the dresser. i joined the conversation after grabbing a glass of cold tap water from the bathroom. i decided i was happy with my roommates. "what about the other girl?" sophia asked, jumping down from her bunk above mine to grab something from her bag. i glanced over to the last empty bed and me and sadie shrugged. sophia pulled a small rectangular tin out of her back pack and sat down on the floor opening it up. i looked at sadie who's eyes widened as she realised what was inside. we both went and sat down with sophia who took her time rolling a joint and chatting to us casually.

when i'm gone / fillieUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum