Chapter 49: Hearts of the Undead

Start from the beginning

"...He will call.... He has to. He will. I know it."

And like that a number lights up the screen. Making Eren snatch it up before he even checks who it is.

"Hello?!" Eren shouts into the phone probably deafening the person on the other end.

"E-err... hello sir? I was calling to ask if your refrigerator was running?" Said a clearly preteen jokster in a fake asian accent.

"... Yeah,  it is, and you better hope it doesn't run to you. Otherwise I'll crush your spinal chord and eat the spinal fluids you teenage cock cheese!" Eren growls and hangs up,  slamming the phone on the table.

"So... not Adian?" Levi snorts a little having heard the conversation.

"Nope. Stupid dick. .. what if Adain called me during that time?! Shit! What if I missed it?!"
Like that, Eren hastily grabs his phone and checks through his calls.

Levi sighs and takes the phone off Eren slipping it into his own back pocket. "You need to chill out" Levi soothes. "If he calls he calls. But it's out of your control. There's no point stressing about it."

"Pfft. I'm not stressing." Eren says with a blink. "I'm being like normal being"

"Tch. Shut up and come watch gossip girl with me" Levi says grabbing Eren's hand.
The boy shakes his head and hugs Levi... slipping his hand into his back pocket and pulling out his phone.

"Eren!" Levi says snatching it back. "I'll hold onto it" He says stuffing it down the front if his pants.

"I'm not afraid to go down there." Eren's  hands go down Levi's pants after his phone.

"HEY HEY HEY!" Levi squirms with a small smirk pulling his hands out. He kisses his face quickly still smirking and says "olly olly oxen free. No more waiting" then zooming off into the house.

"LEVI I NEED THAT! What if he calls?!" Eren shouts as he chases after his playful boyfriend.

"You'll have to catch me" Levi says from somwhere in the house. When Eren gets to the top of the stairs he sees levi perched on top of the huge chandiler. Luckily it's pretty stable and doesn't have rows apon rows of glass.

"Hey! Get back down here." Eren demands,  pointing a finger down at the ground for emphasis. He's annoyed with Levi's antics. He's so anxious on the call that nothing else matters. His mind is on the phone.  The phone is what he wants.

"Or what? You're paying more attention to me now then you were all the rest of the day and it's all because of this!" Levi holds out the phone threatening to drop it.

"Be careful! If you drop it his call may not get through!" Eren panics.
"Just please give it to me! I'll... I'll do anything! ...not anything... don't drop it!"

"Anything?" Levi asks tucking it away safely. "How about spending some time with your boyfriend other than your unconcious space tech. Eren, I'm sick to death of you just sitting and staring... when you could be passing the time in so many more ways..." the vampire on the chandelier smirks an implying smirk.

A sigh escapes Eren's lips before he opens his arms up for a hug.
"Fine... I'll put the phone down. Cuddles?"

"Hmm... you won't snatch it and run off?"

"I promise I won't... We can do anything you want. Just come back down? Please?" Eren pulls on his puppy dog eyes, trying to lure Levi to him with his adorableness.

"Give me your word" Levi glares.

"You have my word." Eren promises,  holding a hand over his heart.

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